Can natural processes explain the origin of life? - Answers in Genesis
When considering how life began, there are only two options. Either life was created by an intelligent source (God) or it began by natural processes. The common perception presented in many textbooks and in the media is that life arose from non-life in a pool of chemicals about 3.8 billion years ago

The “evolutionizing” of a culture - Answers in Genesis
We are engaged in a war of worldviews. Secular humanism (with its evolutionary foundation) is fighting tooth-and-nail against biblical Christianity (and the idea that God is the Creator) for the hearts and minds of our children. Over the past generations, we’ve seen the battle intensifiy.

Did Lucy walk upright?
For over 20 years, Lucy or Australopithecus afarensis has been considered one of our first ‘ancestors’, mainly because it supposedly walked upright.

The non-transitions in ‘human evolution’—on evolutionists’ terms
Commonly, apologists for evolution put up a bold front and try to deny that the tree of evolution is full of holes. It is therefore helpful whenever an article appears that is written by evolutionists who candidly acknowledged the major discontinuities in (alleged) evolutionary sequences.

Neandertal children's fossils
In reconstructing fragmented bones of Neandertal children, evolutionists assume that rates of development were equal to or faster than modern children. Belief in faster development, or earlier maturation, arises from viewing Neandertals as more primitive, or more ape-like than modern humans.

Making monkeys out of man
The evolutionist’s notion that man evolved by chance from ape-like creatures is largely based upon certain anatomical similarities between apes and men. Being convinced that such similarities “prove” an evolutionary relationship, paleoanthropologists have declared certain fossil apes to be...

Where are all the human fossils?
There are some claims and reports of human artifacts and remains in rock layers that are clearly part of the Flood sediments. However, many of these claims are not adequately documented in any scientific sense, while those few reports that have appeared in the scientific literature ...

Was Noah a Martian?
According to a report, Noah's Flood actually occurred on Mars—not Earth! Sounds ridiculous doesn't it? But a New York Times article1 based on research that scientists have been conducting about the planet Mars suggested, in essence, exactly that!

Any little green men out there?
Believe it or not, there is an astronomical object called LGM-1—the letters of which stand for ‘Little Green Men’. This was the first pulsar ever discovered. A pulsar is a very dense star which rotates so rapidly that it sends out extremely regular ‘pulses’ of radio waves.

Are ETs & UFOs Real? - Answers in Genesis
Are there extraterrestrial life-forms out there? The question of life on other planets is a hot topic in our culture today. Science fiction movies and television shows often depict strange creatures from far-away planets. But these ideas are not limited merely to science fiction programming.