Why can't I live my life as an agnostic? - Faith Facts
Of course one may live as an agnostic. But we hope to show the atheist or agnostic that without God, moral judgments or any type of ethics are meaningless. And if God exists, agnosticism is eternally unwise. Read more....


If it feels good for me isn't it right? - Faith Facts
Are feelings always reliable? Or do they change? Could they also be dangerous? Read further for the need for transcendent moral truth.


How can a loving God order people killed? - Faith Facts
In the Old Testament, God commanded the Israelites coming out of Egypt to take over the land of Canaan and kill all of the inhabitants. Shocking? Capricious? Justice? Take a closer look at the context and decide for yourself.


What about people who have never heard of Christ? - Faith Facts
The Bible makes it clear that through nature and conscience each person has some knowledge about God and sin for which he is accountable. Look at how we are confident that God will not hold anyone accountable for any knowledge he did not receive and yet see how Christ is the only way to salvation.


Aren't all religions the same? Is Christ the only way to God? - Faith Facts
There are irreconcilable conflicts between Christianity and other religions. Christianity alone makes provision for man's basic need—the forgiveness of sin. Examine Jesus' claims of deity as well as examine Christianity's truth claims.


How do you square Jesus' miracles with reality? - Faith Facts
To say miracles are difficult to explain scientifically is one thing, but to say they can't happen is another. This article examines Christ's Resurrection (the greatest miracle) with the same principles acceptable in a court of law. One conclusion: If God exists, then miracles are possible....


Is the Bible really true? Isn't it just a bunch of fables? - Faith Facts
There are many evidences that confirm that the Bible is reliable. Examine history and archeology, the accuracy of biblical prophecy, the undeniable quality of manuscript evidence, as well as corroboration from secular documents of the time period. Look also at internal consistencies. Read more....


Euthanasia — How Do Christians Respond? - Faith Facts
The Christian perspective on the subject of "assisted suicide" is simple. Christians believe in the sanctity of life from the moment of conception until natural death. There are over 60 passages of scripture in the Bible that relate to the sanctity of life, beginning with "Thou Shalt Not Kill."


I'm not into organized religion. Can't I be a Christian without going to church?
If you say that you do not believe in "organized" religion, does that mean you believe in "unorganized" religion? Jesus emphasized the importance of his church. The Bible further emphasizes that regular worship, Bible study, fellowship with other believers, and service to one another are important.


Hypocrites in the church? - Faith Facts
If you dislike hypocrisy in the church, you have a lot in common with Jesus! Christ soundly denounced hypocrisy. Yet being a sinner is, you might say, a requirement for being a Christian! Look at the difference between being a hypocrite and a sinner...
