How to Live in a Stew Without Having the Beef - #6688
Why do we let there be walls where there should be bridges? Now, you can be what God delights in - a bring-us-together person. Are you one of those? Emphasize what unites us as followers of Christ, not what divides us.

You Don't Know When You Were Born? - #6687
If you're not sure you belong to Jesus, why not have a day when you make sure? Why not let this be the day? The Bible says, "Today is your day of salvation." Reach out and say, "Jesus, beginning today, consciously I give myself to You. I am Yours."

Avoiding the Backlash That's Building Behind You - #6686
Stop running from what you should be facing. You've got to face the pressure, face the storm, face the issue, and if need be, face the Lord. Trade in that false and temporary security we feel by trying to escape. Trade that for the real security of the peace of Almighty God.

Going Through the Motions - #6685
It's possible to know all about Jesus, but not really know Jesus, if you've missed the one step that makes the Savior your Savior.

How to Avoid a Spiritual Hernia - #6684
Don't get it backwards. You're not the vine producing the fruit. Jesus said, "I'm the vine. All you are is the branch."

The Promise Keepers - #6683
God richly rewards the one who keeps his oath even when it hurts. He rewards the promise keepers. Oh, yeah, they're rare, but they are priceless.

A Lifestyle, Not a Compartment - #6682
Prayer isn't a religious exercise; it's your declaration of dependence on God. To look up and say throughout the day, "This piece of my day is Yours, Lord." You don't have to drop to your knees or close your eyes, especially if you're driving. It's just a quiet recognition of Christ's presence in your need. That's how you carry out what the Bible says, "In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths."

Mayor in the Flames - #6681
Spiritual rescue is possible because of the love of one Man - Jesus. Who didn't just risk His life for you and me; He gave His life. And He stands ready to rescue you from a spiritual death penalty you can't escape any other way.

No Cinder Blocks Please - #6680
Here's an important word for us guys. Don't wait until it's a crisis to give her your attention. She may be letting it build up, because she can't find a way into your life, you're so busy. You've always got something else to do other than listen to her. Listen to her needs; listen to her heart; listen to those frustrations and problems when they're small, when they're manageable.

The Sad Side of Superman - #6679
You can't always be Superman! You were never meant to be. Don't be afraid to be weak. When you admit that you're weak, you've never been stronger.