Answers That Aren't Answers - #6698
The battle's going to be lost if you don't have the blessing of God on it. See, it isn't your effort that matters. It isn't the size of the answer that you have. If you are employing a solution that God can't bless, you can't win.

Watching the Towers Fall - #6697
Be ready for eternity whenever it comes. More than anything, I think that's what screamed - and still screams - to me from the rubble of Ground Zero. We just can't count on tomorrow. That's why the Bible says, "Prepare to meet your God" (Amos 6:1 ).

Where Do I Start Cleaning? - #6696
The history of revival throughout the church tells us that whenever God's people start hating the sin in their own lives, tens of thousands of people start finding Christ. So, where do I start cleaning with the mess inside my own heart?

The "One More Thing" Syndrome - #6695
"Just say no." That's not just good for drugs. It's good for us responsibility addicts too. I'm one. I know. The next time you're tempted to over-commit yourself, think of that trunk that's jam packed with all that it should hold.

Fighting it Early - #6694
General Douglas MacArthur said, "The history of failure in war can be summed up in two words - too late. Too late in comprehending the deadly purpose of a potential enemy." Now, think about this in terms of sinful thoughts: Too late in realizing the mortal danger, too late in preparedness, too late in uniting all possible forces to resist it.

When You Know An Ugly Secret - #6693
The longer you wait, the worse the fallout's going to be. So, don't be guilty of obstructing justice - God's justice that is. Remember, when you know an ugly secret, knowledge equals responsibility.

Going For Broke With Two Minutes Left - #6692
Don't wait any more. Time's going to run out - to fix that broken relationship; to get involved in the work of God's Kingdom. To deal with that hidden sin, and most of all, to live so there will be some people in heaven with you. The Bible talks about this urgency when it says, "Redeem the time," "buy up the time" because the days are evil.

Life in the Backwards Seat - #6691
You may be at a point where you're ready for a new beginning - where the hurts and the failures of the past no longer will define who you are. That is when it's time for Jesus, who died for all the sin and all the hurts of the past.

The Mission Right In Front of You - #6690
Your mate, your child - they may need your ear, your encouragement, your counsel as much as anyone you're going to see at that meeting. Look around your house for the needs that are right there before you, before you go charging off somewhere else to find the Lord's work. Hey, it's right there in front of you.

The Answer Under Your Nose - #6689
maybe you're the answer to your own prayer. Maybe God is leading you to stop doing something or to start doing something. You're just not obeying; you're hoping for something easy. Quit running around looking for an answer. Stand back! Maybe you've got it. Maybe the answer is right in front of you.