Guns and Chainsaws
Jesus can clean out a heart full of anger and resentment and pain of the past. And turn a life-robbing chainsaw into a life-giving river. That's why I need to make King David's prayer my prayer - each day: "Set a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips" (Psalm 141:3 ).

Being a Winning Head Coach - #6787
Start spending some time getting your family together spiritually and getting with the Lord together. Get them in the Lord's presence together. The only way you can fail at this is to not try.

Calling Off the Pity Party - #6786
Jesus told us that we would find our life - not by looking for it, not by hanging onto it - by giving it away, He said. Not because you feel like it, but because Jesus lived like that, and because you know that's where to find light at the end of your own personal tunnel. Remember, even when you get home tonight, ask yourself the question, "So, who needs me here right now?"

The Mating Game - #6785
There's a wonderful statement in Colossians 2:10 for all of us who belong to Jesus. It says, "You are complete in Him." Wow! Married or single, alone or with lots of people, you are complete in Him, and Jesus is enough.

Temple Treasure - #6784
In a sense, what you do with that body - everything you do with it - God is a part of. He lives in that temple. Everything you do to that body, you do to God.

Drawing a Line - #6783
We're to measure ourselves by the God-breathed scriptures of the Lord himself. If you turn the light of God's Word on your lifestyle, maybe you'll see how far you've drifted. You just can't move any more. We've got to get back to God's standards for love, for marriage, for honesty, for family, our relationships.

Generals With Secrets - #6782
The moment a man is most powerful is when he finally realizes his powerlessness to fix himself when he bows his knee at the foot of Jesus' cross. You will not conquer until you've been conquered.

Never Turn Off the Alarm - #6781
If the missile of sin's destruction is headed your way, I guarantee you, the Holy Spirit's alarm is going off in you now. Turn off the alarm and the price will be too high to pay. Respond to the alarm, and you will be able to get out while you can.

Making a Man Feel Safe - #6780
Every man needs a woman who will love the little boy inside him. See, the man is very self-assured outside, but so self-conscious on the inside. He doesn't need a woman who's a critic, or a nag, or a predator, or a competitor. Men are very lonely people, because most of their relationships are only on the surface. But God raises up a special breed of women who are able to give a man a harbor

Storm Surge - #6778
Battered and confused, we finally open our soul to the love that we've been looking for all our lives. And we find in Jesus what the Bible calls "an anchor for the soul, firm and secure" (Hebrews 6:19). The howling winds leave us, not lost, but found and finally at peace. In the arms of the One who speaks "Peace, be still!" to the storm in your soul.