A Thousand Unsung Mornings - #6777
Do you want to be used greatly by your Lord? Well, before you try to do a great work for Him, why don't you let Him do a great work in you? And you wake up each morning and let Him teach you before you leave.


Acknowledging Or Attacking the Mess - #6776
Will you sin again? Well, probably. Will there be a mess in the garage again? There may be. But pick it up while it's small. Get up quickly. You attack the mess when it's small, and you start a new day clean. You start a new year clean. You don't need to acknowledge that mess again; you need to attack it.


Wisdom To Go - #6775
The good news is you can get the discernment you need to answer in God's will. Now, pray through the major arenas, the major relationships of your day. Bathe your life in prayer, and then pause before you answer to be sure that your line to heaven is open.


A Battlefield Christmas - #6771
Sin is the "all about me" choices that we've all made. Who hasn't? And it's because ultimately, we've hijacked our lives from the God who gave us our life. Where does that take us: Broken relationships, broken promises, broken dreams, broken marriages, broken hearts. And Jesus won when He came and paid our death penalty on that cross.


Closed Doors at Christmas - #6772
Jesus said, "I have longed to gather you together, but you were not willing." And that tragedy continues today as Jesus tries to get into a life that He came for that first Christmas; that He died for on Good Friday - maybe yours. He paid such a high price for you. He loves you so much He doesn't want to lose you. He died to pay for the sin that would cause you to be shut out of Heaven.


Too Precious To Waste - #6773
A day is too precious to waste. It is only to be spent for the people and for the causes that are going to matter forever. Okay, you've got a day. Invest it!


Rub It In - #6774
What did you read today? What are you doing differently because of it? When God says meditate on it, what does that mean? Does that mean you stare into space blankly, kind of an Eastern mysticism thing? Not at all! You think about something you read in the Bible until you have made a connection between what you read and something you're going to face today.


Surprises in the Family Tree - #6770
We're sinners who must always find grace to be "Amazing grace - how sweet the sound." The hymn says, "I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene, and wonder how He could love me...a sinner condemned, unclean." I hope today you still find God's grace amazing, and that you haven't been around so long that you think you belong in God's family because you deserve it.


Wanting to be King - #6768
As we count down to our annual visit to the manger, let me ask you, "Who's king in your life?" "Who's driving?" We don't mind the baby in a manger; that's kind of sweet. We don't even mind the Savior on the cross, but king on the throne; king of my life? Him driving? That's another story.


The Gift He Didn't Want - #6769
This Christmas, you've got to decide what you're going to do with this greatest gift of all. To reject that gift is to reject God's great sacrifice for you, is to spurn this ultimate act of love from the God who made you, and to turn your back on the heaven that you want to go to when you die.
