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Never Forgetting the Cost - #6142
Your life wasn't paid for at a discount price. Jesus deserves better from you than a discount discipleship. You don't have to visit a grave to remember what you owe Him - He's not there anyway. But each new day, in your heart, visit that cross where the Son of God loved you and gave Himself for you. And then, with a heart full of love and gratitude, live that day for Him.


Realizing You Were Made For More - #6139
Even if you seem to have everything going your way, your heart may still be saying, "I'm made for more than this." And your heart's right. It's just that the "something more" has always been elusive. It may be within your reach today, if you reach the right direction. Who could have more love, more meaning, more peace to give than the God who gave us our life in the first place?


Saying Goodbye to What's Been Holding You Back - #6120
What a day this could be if you would make it your Jesus-day - the day you open your heart for Him to come in and forgive all the sin of your life and free you from the dependencies that have been holding you back. Just talk to Him where you are. Tell Him you're done driving your own life, that your only hope is Him and what He did on the cross for you, and that from this day on, you're His.


When the Lid Comes Off Your Life - #6096
When you get Jesus, you plug into the plan you were made for; you get heaven's direction for your decisions; you get inexhaustible, "unloseable" love; you get God's grace to help you weather every crisis; you have someone who's bigger than every challenge that's bigger than you are.


The Infallible Umpire - #6087
Those who don't spend regular time in the Word of God are unlikely to recognize the will of God. As are those who come seeking God's direction, full of their own will. Many have missed God's best because they tried to manipulate God or His Word so that their will would be God's will. It does not work that way.


It Really is "How You Play the Game" - #6072
Hold your head high, no matter what position you play. Don't let that discouragement wear you down any more - not if you're giving it all you've got. If you are, then in God's eyes, the only opinion that ultimately matters you are a champion. Earth may not have many rewards for you. But God's gold medal will one day hang around your neck!


The Problem with Looking at Yourself - #6070
Self-pity, self-centeredness, self-promoting, self-reliance, the harder it gets, the more that self stuff starts to take over, and the more out of control we become. If you've been looking at yourself too much, don't you think it's time to fly to a higher place where you can get your perspective back; to refocus your eyes away from your great load and back to your great Lord?


Lost in Our Language - #6057
The spiritually dying people around us hear us Christians announcing our all-important message, often in words they don't understand. We have life-or-death information that their eternity depends on. We can't afford for them to get lost in our language, or they may be lost forever.


Tired of Searching, Ready to Find - #6040
The Bible reveals that our heart is searching because we're away from the God we were made for. We were created for Him, but we've lived for ourselves, thus creating an un-crossable chasm between us and the God who made us. Un-crossable except for the cross - the cross where Jesus died to pay for our rebellion against God and make a way back to Him


The Amazing Reason Why You Are Where You Are - #6036
There's an eternal reason why you are where you are occupationally, geographically, situationally, parentally, physically, emotionally, maybe even medically. You've been given a stretch of spiritual beach where Jesus has assigned you as the lifeguard, and you can be sure there are spiritually drowning people there within your reach.
