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Watching Him Drown - #6465
I know that Jesus jumped in to rescue me at the cost of His life. How can I, then, stay on the shore any longer and watch people I know slip away without Him; without a chance to live forever? And I am their chance.

Wimpy Death
Every funeral of a Jesus-forgiven child of God is the ultimate declaration of what a Savior He is. This "hope" isn't wishful thinking or sympathy card sentiment. It's the surest of all sure things - because it's anchored to the Man who blew death away when He walked out of His grave.

Someone Talked - #6445
We can sink people's lives with our words. World War II G.I.s were warned not to say the things they could say, because they were wanting to save lives. See, that's still an important warning and maybe it's a time for us to pray as the Holy Spirit points this out inside us, "Lord, help me to stop this tongue of mine before more hurting words come out." "The tongue has the power of life and death."

Escaping the Flood, Or Not - #6435
It's eternally important that you answer the door and let Jesus save you. The Bible cries out, "Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your heart" (Hebrews 4:7 ).

A Message From the Titanic - #6424
Maybe you know some folks who are still outside the lifeboat. You have nothing more urgent to do than in the Bible's words, "rescue those who are being led away to death" (Proverbs 24:11).

A Precarious Planet - #6399
Every day on this planet, a "tsunami" called death sweeps 150,000 people into eternity ready or not. Since it happens with, you know, one heart attack here and one traffic accident there, we don't see it on the news like we do an attack of a killer wave. But it's real, it's relentless, and it's coming my way.

Taking the Sting Out of Goodbye - #6376
The scripture says, "I have written these things to those of you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know you have eternal life." Now, there's no greater peace, no greater security than knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're going to heaven when you die. And you can know that today!

Singing in the Rubble - #6369
Our kids used to go to sleep singing a little chorus that says, "Safe am I, safe am I, in the hollow of His hands." You know living or dying, working or out of work, healthy or deathly sick, loved or all alone, if you belong to Jesus, you really are safe.

Turn Around, Don't Drown - #6365
Are you driving very close to the edge of the flood...flirting with those famous last words, "I can handle it"? No, you can't. Listen to these words from Genesis. Take it, if necessary, as a personal warning, "Sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it" (Genesis 4:7). Turn around. Don't drown. Please.

The Way Home - #6364
Jesus literally took our hell so we could have His heaven. Then, three days after He died, Jesus walked out of His grave and blew away death! Only the Man who paid for your sins can forgive your sins.