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The Worst Part in the Christmas Story
Herod's not the last person to miss Jesus because of wanting to be king. We all want to be king - of our own life. And that self-rule the Bible calls "sin" is what ultimately separates us from the God we can't live without and keeps us out of His heaven.

Bombshell Birthday
There really is a definite moment when you move from "B.C." to "A.D." - it's when you tell Jesus, "I'm Yours from this day on."

Skin On
Because of Christmas, we've got God with skin on. The Bible says that the Son of God "became flesh and made His dwelling among us (John 1:14).

A Tsunami Every Day - #6245
You have nothing more important you can do with the rest of your life than to invest it in getting the life-saving news about Jesus to as many people as possible while there's still time. Because we are God's warning system. To know the wave is coming and remain silent is to let people die who otherwise might have lived.

Driving Hard On a Dead-End Road - #6237
Within your reach is the Jesus-road; the one that leads to life! He's waiting to welcome you, forgive you and then lead you onto the road you were made to be on!

The Tragedy of Doing Nothing - #6222
Don't talk to lost people about religion. Don't talk to them about church. Don't talk to them about their lifestyle. Tell them about the Man who loved them enough to die in their place. God put you in their life to give them a chance at Jesus. Please, don't keep walking by their need. You know Jesus. They need your Jesus. Don't let them down. Don't let Him down.

Your Permanent in a World of Temporary - #6205
the Man who loved you enough to die for you has come looking for you to offer you a life, and an eternity, filled with His evergreen love. But it can't be a one-way love affair. You have to respond to His love by placing your life in His hands and turning your back on the sin that cost Him His life. Your love response might be just three words, "Jesus, I'm Yours."

The Highest Bid You've Ever Had - #6193
the price for you was very high. Jesus was beaten until His back was ripped apart. He carried a cross on that bloody back, a crown of thorns was jammed on his head, spikes were driven into His hands and feet, and worst of all, His Father turned His back on Him because He was carrying your sin so God would never have to turn His back on you.

True Woman Blog: A Tribute to Kathy
My friend’s long walk through death’s shadows has ended this week. Kathy Helvey’s four-year battle with leukemia has given way to the victory of eternal life.

Homeless in Your Heart - #6172
Those sins that Jesus carried to the cross with Him are the thousands of times you and I have thought, or said or done things our way instead of God's way. In the process, we have repeatedly violated the laws of Almighty God. And sin is punishable by death. It can only be forgiven by that death penalty being paid. But Jesus stepped in and absorbed all that punishment, all the hell of my sin and your sin. That's what it took to save you - His blood - His life.