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Crawling's Not Enough - #5901
Maybe you've been coasting at the same spiritual speed for a while; you've been content with mediocrity - with crawling. But you're restless. God has made you restless. He has so much more for you.

The Unprepared Nightmare - #5768
For you, for me, there will come a day when God will say, "This very night, this very day your life will be demanded from you." Only He knows when your appointment with Him is. And it can't be rescheduled, it can't be cancelled, or it can't be postponed.

Getting Out of the Valley - #5734
Discouragement and depression, they themselves are "foes" and "avengers" in our lives. And the darkness of the valley often causes us to succumb to our dark side, to emotional paralysis, or to giving up, until we make the choice to climb up on the mountain that takes us above all that - Praise Mountain. You may not feel like praising God, you probably don't. That's when you need to praise God the most.

Unnecessary Running - #5714
The difference between personal peace and personal turmoil is an issue of priorities. Which kingdom are you putting first? If what matters to God, like your time with Him, your service for Him, the condition of your relationships; if those things have been shoved to the margins by other less eternal pursuits, then you're trapped in a race that knows no peace.

Depression in the Bible: Psalm 73:1-28
The writer of this psalm experiences deep, wrenching emotions that we might recognize as depression or despair: his heart was grieved and his spirit embittered; he could not break out of his bleak mood alone. He finds strength and encouragement only in God and His faithfulness.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Broken At Christmas - #8162
...may be that’s a feeling someone listening today knows all too well. Here we are in the season when everybody’s all “joy to the world” and you’re dealing with the pain of a broken relationship, or a broken dream, or a broken heart.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Soul Cancer - #8159
...when you keep on replaying the bad that someone’s done to you, it’s eventually going to turn into that soul cancer called bitterness. The more you feed on how they’ve wronged you, the more bitter you’re going to become.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - "24"- Jack Bauer's Biggest Battle - #8148
A major national magazine carried an interview with the man who plays Jack Bauer. The title: “Heart of Darkness: Drinking to forget with TV’s hottest action hero.” That’s sad to read. Kiefer Sutherland said: “I should be able to wake up in the morning without going, ‘Oh, no! Where’s my boot?’ Or ‘Where am I?’ Or ‘One of your friends didn’t happen to bring my car home, did they?’ I don’t want to live like that.” He said, “I have a few drinks and I’m not so worried about tomorrow and not thinking about yesterday. Then the next day, I go, ‘Oh God, don’t let me do that again.’ So why do I do it again? And again? And again?’” A man with so much going for him and a losing battle with a darkness that keeps dragging him down.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Good News When You're Out of Gas - #8141
There was a time in my life when I was running on empty spiritually until someone told me were they got their empty tank filled; at the cross where Jesus died to remove the sin that makes possible a personal relationship with God, the relationship we were made for that leaves a hole in our heart until we know Him. Jesus said, “Whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst” (John 4:13). For two thousand years, people have been pulling into that station and finding the answers they can find nowhere else.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - When Your Life is Drifting
"Drifting" may be a word that describes a little of how you feel about your life right now. You can be successful, but not satisfied. You can be winning, but still wondering what your life is all about. This drifting feeling affects all kinds of people: young, old, single, married, those who have it all, and those who have very little. It's a sense that life doesn't have any direction and it causes a feeling of emptiness.