Mental illness and the church
The Internet Monk is blogging this week about an especially difficult subject: mental illness, and how Christians do and should respond to it. His post “Is there such a thing as mental illness?”, and the comments below it, are well worth the read.
There’s a great deal of ignorance, confusion, and fear in Christian circles surrounding this issue. Where Christians in the past have been all too quick to blame depression and other types of mental illness on weak faith or Satanic influence, I suspect they’re more likely these days to try to ignore it—as a few wrenching testimonies in the Internet Monk post demonstrate. I grew up in a fairly close Christian community and never heard any talk of clinical depression, bipolar disorder, or other mental illnesses, although I learned years later that several friends and even family members had serious bouts with mental illness. This silence on the issue, and our reluctance to talk about medication and counseling outside the church, must make life very difficult for some of our suffering brothers and sisters in Christ.
The unease about mental illness is understandable, to an extent—anyone who’s lived through serious depression or knows somebody who has can tell you that it’s a harrowing experience that doesn’t lend itself well to inspirational stories or pat resolutions. I have often wondered if the church’s difficulty with the issue has its roots in a gnostic, unbiblical belief that our minds are completely separate and disconnected from the rest of our bodies. We readily acknowledge that our bodies can be afflicted by physical maladies, but we tend to imagine that our minds can be influenced only by God, Satan, and our own willpower.
What’s your experience with this issue? How has your church responded to instances of mental illness in your community, and was it a positive experience? Is the church finally getting a handle on the challenge of mental illness?
Yes there is mental illness as well as we all live in a “fallen world” as we have all fallen with Adam. We are redeemed through the 2nd Adam, or the Christ. God never wanted us to go from him but that was our choice through Adam. Free will brings disorder and with that illness of various diversities. I am a clinical therapist trained in Adlerian psychotherapy. I am employed as the Access Coordinator for an inpatient psychiatric unit with a med-surg hospital. I evaluate and find help for psych patients in the ER. I conduct clinical group therapy. I am an ordained Presbyterian (PCUSA) minister and I can tell you first hand, “yes sir, there is true mental illness in many and various forms.” Genetics play a tremendous generational part. You have over 3 billion switches in your DNA and through fallen creation any one or a series of malfunctions can contribute to Bipolar Disorder Type I or II, Schizophrenia, Clinical Depression, etc. Forturnately there is help through psychotropics (medications) and directed therapy. The church must support and not run from what it has trouble perceiving. “We have all fallen short of the mark…” We will help our brothers and sisters in their suffering and I challenge you to be aware and do the same as God has gifted you.
Hi Mike, my name is Helen. I suffered with bipolar most of my adult life, even though I did not know that’s what was wrong. Now I live with it. I’m a minister of the gospel and I’m now ready to share my testimony with other believers. My goal is to share what my life was like before treatment and my faith. The process to getting where I am now which is hole and set free,still with bepolar. And how I continue to live hole and free.Do you have any sujustions how I can introduce the topic It’s No Secrect to my church. They are still in the erea of casting demons out of people as the only methed of healing mental illness.
Thank you for talking about this subject. Yes, many believers are suffering in silence.
My name is David Mariant, I am the author of Surviving Bipolar’s Fatal Grip the Journey to Hell and Back. This is an interesting topic and I am thankful that it was posted.
I have 25 years of ministry experience and was diagnosed eleven years ago after my brothers mysterious death. Since that time I learned on my own how to recover and gain strength and now I have dedicated my life to helping others.
I attend a very carismatic church which believes bipolar needs to be cast out of a person. That would be great however I have not experienced that and have sought the laying on of hands to do so. Now you may say, ok, so what does that matter. Five years ago I developed a very serious breathing problem which lasted several years. It was like drowning over and over again and probably had about fifty different breathing atacks which scared me to death. In fact, I thought I was going to die each time. I had laying on of hands, and, after seeing a half dozen doctors the problem was identified, I was given medication and I was made well. A bit of scarring but after a year I was in excellent shape. Just after the diagnosis for the breathing problem I began to go blind. I also learned that I had a pituitary tumor too. Again I had laying on of hands for the blindness and the tumor and I was healed through surgery. My vision returned the same day as the tumor removal. And, all of the functions of my pituitary are intact. I do not take any hormone therapy. I also have layed hands on people and have made them well. I also do this when speaking to them. Bipolar God did not heal. In fact, all things have a purpose and I am ok living with it. But, I know God does heal, I am proof.
I believe that we are physical, spiritual, emotional and intelectual beings. All are important. With mental illness their may in fact be a biological problem with the brain. With bipolar on the other hand, the behavior that I have seen in most every person I have encountered is a result of events or ptsd. Interpersonal skills and boundary setting with others is almost always needed.
As a coach I can help people learn that they can be empowered and overcome their illness. Although I take medication, I have been able to reduce the medication I take by 1/3 by my initiative with my doctors awareness.
What I am working on in collaboration with others is the creation of best practices in the psych unit, psych visits, therapy sessions, at home, with families and work. And oh yes, at church and other social functions.
I have seen abuse in churches slamming someone with mental illness and saying they dont have enough faith. I have seen doctors as in my case send me on my way with a new diagnostic label of bipolar and a pill bottle with a greater than one in five chance of committing suicide. One in five people with bipolar disorder kill themeselves and sometimes that is a result of the meds they are on. Look at the warnings on meds, it is frightening. I have had therapists practice God only knows what and complicate matters. In fact I even had a pastor at a church contact my therapist behind my back and discuss my case with her. This is outrageous.
I am a life coach specializing in people, people with bipolar. They are people too, in need of the same couching you or I might benefit from. And, I have no turf to defend and although I have seen horrible things in every camp, I believe their may be value in every camp too.
I am sorry if my grammar is off or this doesnt read well. I am tired.
Get a free copy of my ebook if you want at my website.
David Mariant
I recently read a great book titled “ “Blessed with Bipolar” by Richard Jarzynka. Never before have I read a book so inspiring. The book points out that people with bipolar disorder has a gift to offer the world. The author points out that the disorder and its extreme emotions give a unique perspective on life and the ability to deeply empathize with others in their most dire circumstances and pain. People with bipolar can comfort others with the comfort they have known. He goes on to say that people with bipolar disorder have a more intense experience of reality than 95 % of the world will ever have. They know the reality of human emotions in an amazing and unique way that can be used by God to literally change lives. I hadn’t ever really thought of bipolar like this before, but it truly makes sense!
I was so happy to read this blog. I am a Christian and now I can openly say that suffer from depression and not feel ashame. Mentally illnesses have been passed down from generation to generation through my family history. My 3 children also suffer from depression. I believe that all church that confess that they are believer and follower of Jesus Christ should not ignore this illness.
My experience with depression is that I don’t want to be around anybody. I know what to do intellectualy. I take medicine. The medicine sort of works, but sometimes I feel overwhelming numbness.
I don’t think this is very Christian behavior on my part. I’m smart, and I help people in my job all the time. But I go home to an empty house where my kids use to be. I don’t feel like getting up to do anything other than what I’m obligated to do.
I know that God will take even this and make something beautiful out of it. It just doesn’t feel that way right now.
John I feel your pain. I was diagnosed bipoloar many years ago. My meds have been changed several times and I question why they dont leave well enough alone when I say they work. Anyway. I have been married for 30 years and have 3 boys 18 25 26. The youngest still at home the middle one moved in with his girlfriend and has been here a few months. There are many negative issues happening which has been very difficult to deal with . I put on a happy face and go out only when I have to. I feel like the life is being sucked out. I seem to attract people who need help and want advice. Not bad but I dont have boundries and this triggered ptss. Do any of your kids seem to suffer with depression? How do they deal with your illness? I too am a christian but that doesnt make us bad people. We have an illness. I know many people feel we can wish it away but we know differently. When Im having a panic attic or feel so overwhelmed I pray for strength and peace. I do take meds for this too but prayer helps. By the way my spouse is one of the ones who doesnt understand me. Someone suggested the book Blessed with Bipolar by Richard Jarzynka. sounds like a good read. Ill pray for peace and strength for you.
Bipolar runs in my family and it seems to be only with the females. Early in 2008 when I was 23 I was diagnosed with Bipolar. It was after a very stressful time in my life. I had about 10 episodes within 6 months. A lot of my family members were traumatized because everyone was in shock that it was happening to me, the glue of the family (still to this day some members treat me different from normal, I HATE it). I didn’t deal with depression or too many lows, it was more of a constant high for me. The entire family was praying for me. They tried everything with me; natural herbs and stress relievers, preachers laying hands on me (nothing short of an exorcist) and then finally doctors. I was put on over 10 different types of medicines, none of which allowed me to function normally. I couldn’t hold a conversation, sometimes I would drool, I was stiff, I gained an enormous amount of weight and I was sleeping all the time. Dealing with this caused me to have to completely submit to the Lord and allow him to handle the situation. I completely weened myself off medication but I keep it around just in case I feel an episode coming on. I haven’t had an episode in over 17 months now and don’t ever plan on having another one. I am trying to stay submitted to the Lord and remain in him, best I can. Yes mental disorders exist but it is still an attack on your mind. Regardless to if it is a thorn from Satan or a Curse from God or just DNA I don’t know. All I know is ALL things are possible through God and I claim a complete healing on my mind. I thank God for taking care of me throughout the entire situation. If Satan meant it to be a road block God turned it into a stepping stone. My life has done a complete 180 and I believe I am going in the right direction. Even though I know I have a long way to go and much work to do, I thank God for bring me to where I am now. and his Grace is sufficient for me.
I am not taking any bipolasr meds right now, just wellbutrin, for depression. MY psych and I are not sure if I have it or not. I do feel things on a very deep level, and normally ignore, block it out because there are not many that can relate to the intense irritation that I go through when I am not practicing the proper boundaries. I have a lot of ups and downs, and I definitely believe in support, unbelievers, or believers. that can just empathize or listen to all the issues that i build up, in my mind. Sometimes its just so refreshing to just have someone to understand what its like to swim against the currant, most of the time.
I have struggled with depression and anxiety disorders for years. I am a Christian and after studying both the Bible and psychology I know there are mental illnesses that do exist. I am a firm believer that God doesn’t ever give us anything we can’t handle and He always helps us with everything he throws our way. Someone struggling with a mental illness has been given a test from God. They have an oppurtunity to prove their faith and love for God. I believe there are differences between mental disorders (which can be medically and spiritually treated) and being disturbed by Satan. Churches shouldn’t turn away from anyone, that goes against the whole idea of Christianity. We should love everyone, pray for everyone, and help everyone. God loves us all equally.
You cannot look at mental illness and say it is or isn’t a punishment from God or an attack from the devil. Faith, belief or knowledge of God’s existance doesn’t come from trying to understand this world around us. It comes from grace, obediance to the law, kindness and perfect love. We condemn ourselves to a type of hell when we do not obey, pray and humble ourselves to God’s will. Some seem to suffer for no reason at all. A lot of good things come after suffering.
My roomate who is a chirstian has been diagnosed with depression and Sad. Can any of you help me on how to be able to understand her more? There is much more at work here then unrepentant sin as mental illness runs in my roomate’s family. I just seek to have a better understanding of what she might be going through. I also wonder if anyone might be able to give me advice on how I can best help her and not hurt her?
Thank You!
I know that God is all powerful over this!!
I was in college when I first encountered depression. Though they did not know what was totally going on, it was great to know that my friends were there for me and cared about me. It is extremely hard going through it. You are aware that you are there for her. Don’t condemn her. You may think of her and look at her weirdly…this is normal because u just don’t understand. Let her know that this too will pass. And let her know that its okay for her to take meds if necessary. Just be careful, and let her know that everyone doesn’t have to know.
It’s funny how things connect in life.
I was working on my quiet time this morning. Reading Spurgeon’s “Morning and Evening.” He made a comment that really struck a chord with me:
“Yield your bodies as instruments of righteousness, because righteousness is your Father’s will, and His will should be the will of His child.”
Sometimes Spurgeon quotes scripture or slightly paraphrases it, so I went to to see if I could find the verse. I didn’t; but below the suggested options was a link to this blog post. Curious, I clicked on it, read the post, and the comments.
I’m leaving a comment because I, too, have Bipolar Disorder. Specifically, I have Bipolar II, which is a variation of the disorder called “Hypomania”. What this means is, generally my emotional state is rather cheerful and energized. However, there is a cycle among people with this variation. It can lead to depression, if someone with the disorder is not very careful about maintaining balance in their lives, and taking their medication faithfully.
The cycle would look like this, for someone with Bipolar II: They work hard, they play hard, and they burn the candle at both ends. They take on more than they really should, and make more commitments than they really have time to fulfill. This results in stress. The stress results in a lack of sleep. Because of these factors, eventually the person with Bipolar II uses up their body’s supply of serotonin and melatonin, which results in a crash into depression. At that point, their personalities take a 180 turn. Generally they pull back from everything, they are grouchy and negative, they sleep alot, and are generally depressed like someone with Bipolar I. However, this depression side of the cycle gives them a “break” from their normal over-activity. Their serotonin and melatonin hormones have opportunity to rebuild. The Hypomanic then “feels better”. They resume their over-committed lifestyle, repeating the cycle over and over.
What has been explained to me about the physical aspects of this disorder is rather interesting. In a person who does not have Bipolar II, when stress or emotion is triggered in the brain, there is a great amount of activity between the nerve endings in certain areas. Once the stress or emotion has subsided, however, the activity between the nerve endings drops, and the person’s emotional state returns to its original, pre-stress state. With people who have the Bipolar II disorder, that nerve stimulation does not drop. They stay in a state of agitated emotions, whether positive or negative, and don’t really have a base line of reduced activity for those nerves. They generally appear a little hyperactive. They talk fast, they switch topics without finishing the previous one, they are nervous.
Certain medications will help this over-stimulation of the nerves, and allow them to greatly reduce their activity. One of them is Neurontin (generic: gabapentin). Originally a drug prescribed for people with seizures, it was found to have a positive side effect on reducing the cyclical nerve stimulation in those who also had Hypomania. It is not a commonly prescribed drug for a Bipolar sufferer, but it has worked for me since 1997, when I was diagnosed with Hypomania.
Medication is not the only answer, however. As Spurgeon said, our bodies should be instruments of righteousness– of right living. So much can be said about this, but I will condense it to say that, for those who suffer from mental disorders, a balanced lifestyle is critical.
Eating right– that means regular meals, at regular times, with real food, and limiting the processed, overly fatty, overly sugared foods. That doesn’t mean one has to avoid them completely; just to eat them in moderation.
Getting plenty of water– Keeping the body hydrated allows it to do what it needs to do. If someone is on the edge of dehydration all the time, that makes it harder for their body to produce the chemicals needed for the brain.
Getting a little exercise– at a minimum, just walking around the block a couple times a week. It helps a person sleep better, which helps the body produce melatonin.
Sleeping right– that means going to bed at a decent hour, and getting a minimum number of hours of sleep. It could be helpful to learn what their circadian rhythm is (i.e., a morning person or a night person) so they are aware of when their body needs rest. Naps are helpful too, even if they are a 20 minute cat-nap at lunch time.
Balancing activities– this one is the most difficult for the Hypomanic. Its very important to learn to not stuff the calendar with too many things. Having someone who is an accountability partner in this area is crucial, because the Hypomanic truly does not see that they are taking on too much. They need to have time away from work, and they need to take their lunch breaks. Sometimes this might require monitoring by the accountability partner (i.e., a phone call to break their concentration and remind them to go eat lunch). Or it just might be as simple as a watch with an alarm function. Self-discipline needs to be built here, so that the Hypomanic will respond to the outside control over their behavior, until it becomes an internal control.
The church, as a whole, isn’t aware of the physical aspect of a mental disorder. It isn’t just a matter of self-control and discipline; although those things most definitely need to play a role. It isn’t as simple as lack of faith or lazy spiritual life; although again, that can certainly be a part of the problem. If more people in the church were educated about mental disorders, there could be less judgment (and therefore less stress) placed on those who have mental disorders.
Rather than giving in to believing stereotypes about someone in their church with a mental disorder like Hypomania, people should check out what they hear. Take a few minutes to investigate what it means. And that could revolutionize how the church as a whole treats those with mental disorders.
So much confusion. So much pain because of misunderstandings of and wrong information about mental illnesses. Mental illnesses are psychiatric disorders, disorders of the mind that affect how one thinks, feels, and behaves. The brain is just another organ whose function may be impaired by damage from disease, inherited illnesses, head injuries, and infections. Just as the heart can be impaired by the process of atherosclerosis leading to a heart attack and sometimes death, mood disorders can lead to depression, mania, and psychosis through a neurophysiological process that enough times lead to suicidal thinking and sometimes death from suicide. Both the heart and the brain are organs, and they both can become impaired.
A person’s personality and life experiences are also important factors that are often involved in the development of a psychiatric disorder. Stress is the ultimate trigger that leads to the expression of illness, and stressors may be psychological, physical, social, and enough times, spiritual. Many who develop an emotional disorder such as a recurrent depressive disorder (unipolar disorder) or manic-depressive illness (bipolar disorder) often feel they have failed spiritually and may blame themselves for not having enough faith or strength to overcome an overwhelming fall into depression. It is hard to understand and believe that one has a disease, an illness that is affecting how one thinks and feels and behaves. it is disturbing to realized that one cannot readily control or get rid of the dark, negative, heavy, painful, often numbing thoughts and feelings of depression. One’s thinking can too often lead to an obsession with death being an escape from all this apathetic pain, and too often this leads to death from suicide. One must feel pretty bad to want to die.
i have had bipolar disorder for over 30 years. This illness has disrupted my relationship with God; the church; my self; my relationships with my wife, children, family, and friends; my education in college and graduate school; my work; and my health. I have changed colleges, dropped out of graduate school and later attended another school, attempted suicide twice (and miraculously did not die), been in the hospital twice for suicidal depression, separated from my wife twice, painfully alienating myself from her and our children. I often stopped my medications, believing i no longer needed them, and after my last manic episode realized that i was truly ill, truly manic, and that i truly do have bipolar disorder. i then knew i needed to focus on optimizing the use of medications to help control my illness and live with more stability. It has taken 30 years to finally believe that i, too, have a mental illness, a disease called bipolar disorder. i am one of ‘them.’ thank God i realized this before it was too late.
i have never shared any of this with anyone in the church i grew up in and now attend. the stigma is there. the awkwardness and fear are there. people are uncomfortable being around those with a mental illness. so why would one ‘come out of the closet,’ so to speak? i do not want to be treated differently; my self is battered enough as it is.
but the need is there. we need a safe place in the church body to bear our burdens with others. it is always a risk to share anything personal and private. it has been my choice to remain silent, and i know it is also my responsibility to do anything to break that silence.
the opportunities are there to share with one or more within the church body. i have thought of meeting with our pastors to break down my walls with them and perhaps learn of opportunities to help others they know of who have or may have a family member or friend with a disorder of the mind. i ask your prayers to help guide me in this possible venture.
i see that my writing has moved into a sharing of my experience with this mood disorder and is ending with a plea for your care. thank you to those who care. i care as well and will gladly respond to any of you who also need such care.
jb, a follower again of christ
“Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the Angel of the Lord, with Satan standing at his right side to accuse him. The Lord said to Satan: “The Lord rebuke you, Satan! May the Lord who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Isn’t this man a burning stick snatched from the fire?
Now Joshua was dressed with filthy clothes as he stood before the Angel. So He spoke to those standing before Him, ‘Take off his filthy clothes!’ Then He said to him, ‘See, I have removed your guilt from you, and I will clothe you with splendid robes.”
hope this picture encourages you as much as it encourages me, jb.
To jb- you describe exactly how I feel – the helplessness, the desperation, the despair of being chronically depressed. It is such an effort to carry on from day to day. Alot of times I feel like I am the walking dead. No amount of effort or will on my part seems to shift it.
Nobody else really understands unless you’ve been there. I am tired of fighting. If this be God’s will, so be it.
It was good to be able to read your article on depression. I am 61 years old, and diagnosed with manic depression at 7 years old. I was not raised in a Christian home; however, in my desperate need, I committed my life to Jesus in 1974. In my observation, the “church” does not accept depression in believers holding the thought that Christians should be able to easily overcome mental illness. Though I have been involved in ministry over the years, I spend much time in a despairing, solitary place in my life because other brothers and sisters in Christ are not able to accept that “depression in a Christian’s life can be a real fact”. It feels, in a sense, as Paul’s “thorn in the flesh”. Since I have experienced much emotional hurt throughout my life, I am in the process of writing my second book, In The Valley, hoping it will encourage other believers who also suffer with an often debilitating depressed state of mind. I am hopeful that in eternity, we will know a completeness of the ‘joy of our Lord’ we do not experience here. Again, thank you for your written insight.
I am a Christian with Bipolar Disorder. I have been in treatment for many years, and have had many hospitalizations. Some treatments I have had include ECT electroconvulsive Therapy (Shock Treatments). I’ve prayed for the Lord to take this affliction away. I’ve been told I was weak in spirit and weak in mind. Nothing could be further from the truth. People I have known, and I have known many, who have mental illnesses are some of the strongest people I know. They, in many cases, have survived horrible childhoods, abuse, sanctions by the church–it’s abhorent how we are sometimes treated.
I said “I use to pray” that the Lord would heal me, but after coming back time and time again to Paul, who had some affliction he prayed to have alleviated, I changed my pray. Now I pray that the Lord will give me strength to endure the problem. That strenght comes from myself, but also from a loving family, a wonderful therapist, medication–the whole gamet. But it comes from the Lord especially, who has placed within my life the means to handle this. He has not abandoned me. I was just being a petulant child saying, “make me better, make me better.” All I needed to do was change my prayer and work. Work harder than at anything else in my life–except in my relationship with Him.
There is halp out there and the Church should be helping those who suffer from these diseases. It’s time to get rid of, as one person put it, the gnostic ideas about severation of body, mind, and spirit. It’s time to elimate the Medievil mindset. It no wonder many people suffer in silence or leave the Church when suffering with mental illness. I have a wonderful pastor, who is actually on my “call list” if I get into trouble. That’s what we need more of.
Hi Friends,
I too am a Christian believer of many years and have dealt with depression and anxiety in my life more than a few times at severe levels. This “thorn” we have can really be used to help others who are confused over their emotional challenges. It is not a weakness, but something you can feel reconciled with in having it a part of your life. My pastor has been very helpful and has prayed with me several times. He supports outside psychological therapy and also medication when a physician recommends it. Through these I’ve been able to manage my depression and come out of it, as well. Mine has been believed to be situational depression triggered by certain long term stresses but having definitely the same symptoms of clinical depression.
We need to be aware though as believers that Satan will use depression or anxiety to attempt to convince you that you are no longer “faithful” enough or do not trust or love God enough. When you are very down, your mind is more susceptible to this lie, and it requires we know the Word of God to speak it to Satan aloud to rebuke his attack.
“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity very thought to the obedience of Christ”
2 Corinthians 10:4-5
When we do this regulary and not pay attention to his lies or our own imaginations, the feeling of being depressed or anxious is not as scary anymore. We know we are saved and still His children, despite what our mind is going through at the time. This is a refining process I believe that grows our faith further even when it looks like we’re not productive or fruitful at the time in our Christian life.
Hope this helps all the brothers and sisters out there struggling with mental illness. You’re not crazy or weak simply because you suffer from depression or anxiety.
With love in Jesus Christ,
Wow, reading all of these posts has been extremely helpful for me. Thank all of you and thanks to our loving and gracious Savior God. Blessings, Diane (:D)
I have a 25 year old son that was diagnosed Bipolar in jail. He has always been a handful and reading this only confirms to me that the diagnosis is not yet quiet right. He seems to have no sense of consequences. Never did. He likes to do drugs. I suspect to numb the feeling of not ever being able to manage what the rest of us do daily. I am very concerned what the future will bring. I don’t see help from any source I have any control of. We paid countless counselors to help and they were never able to conclude much. I find him dangerous to be around. He financially terrorizes my husband and I, constantly stealing, destroying or pawning our belongings. He uses are credit cards whenever he finds one and will even use our credit card bills to charge things just to make bills for us. While most of these actions happened when he was younger and he assures me he has changed he is do to get out of jail next April and I am terrified. As a parent I want to help him. I just know I can’t. Now he is a felon, and in today’s market when most people can’t find work how does a felon get a job. Without one how is he supposed to eat? I am so lost and confused.
Having BD is exhausting!