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'Did you know' video clip of digital communication trends
'Did You Know' videos have been a challenging overview of the effects and challenges of digital communication for several years. You can download this latest video for seminars and meetings.


Understanding and using Facebook and social media effectively
Social media can be a confusing and fragmented communication niche. Facebook, for instance, is an almost ramshackle accumulation of features and counter-intuitive usability options. For example 'Like' means three things depending on context. 'Like' a fan page means 'become a fan'. 'Like' a webpage or blog post means posting a summary on your own Facebook Wall. 'Like' a Facebook post means little, and doesn’t share that post with your friends.


Teens growing up online are in a different world than the rest of us
I'm not yet 30 years old, but my experience of the world growing up as a teenager is vastly different to that of teenagers today. It's been a shock to consider how different our worlds are. Below are a couple of documentaries by PBS that explore how the internet is changing every aspect of our lives, and the challenges for children who are growing up in this very different world.


Total change: how digital communication is changes teens
Today's Western high school students are the first generation to have grown up with digital technology in their homes from birth. The first therefore to have their brains rewired, for better or worse, by 24/7 digital communication. This video and more detailed and insightful accompanying article give a stark picture of these changes.


Advance news of Internet Evangelism Day 2011 on 15 May
The 2011 Internet Evangelism Day is set for Sunday 15 May. However, we also plan to extend the focus to the entire month of May, which gives churches and other groups wider freedom to present digital opportunities in ways that fit into their programs.


Biggest online behaviour research project
The largest ever global research project into people’s online activities and behavior has just been released by TNS Digital Life. Covering nearly 90 per cent of the world’s online population through 50,000 interviews with consumers in 46 countries, the study reveals major changes in the world’s online behavior.


Digital media are rewiring our brains, says author and researcher
Researcher and author Nicholas Carr has written extensively about the way the Web is rewiring our brains so that we cannot concentrate on longer-lasting tasks such as reading a book.


Available for Christian radio: interviewees talking about digital evangelism
The potential for online evangelism is incredible, and we are eager to share more about it. We have a panel of speakers, available for radio interview, who can cover a wide range of subjects within the field of online and mobile evangelism. They are also available for interview by print or web editors, who are writing articles on these topics.


Open letter to mission agency leaders, executives and staff about digital evangelism
To mission executives, field leaders, missiologists, magazine editors and missionaries everywhere: We know that your ministry's heart is to share the good news of Jesus Christ. May we draw your attention to the potential of new options that can enhance your mission's objectives: the growing array of digital and Internet evangelism opportunities.


Mobile phones and worldwide evangelism and mission
The Joshua Project has expressed progress in world evangelism using a Global Progress Scale. Different colors represent evangelism status. It would be interesting to create an overlay for this map showing digital penetration in the red (unreached) areas, because many of these have medium to high use of th
