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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Destination Check - #5560
You have no more important thing in your life to do than to make sure you have boarded the flight that is going to heaven. To be sure that you have told Jesus you are putting all your faith in Him alone to forgive your sin; to take you to heaven when you die. Only He died to make it possible.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Getting Passengers Off the Fatal Flight - #5566
Now, obviously if anyone had advance warning of the outcome of a fatal flight they would do everything possible to keep the passengers from going. Seldom do we have such a warning. But when it comes to where people around us will go for eternity, we have all the signs and all the warnings we need.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - One of Us - #5571
When God was one of us, He forgave a sinful woman everyone else was ready to stone. He's ready to forgive you. He loved the children. Even His own disciples thought they were unimportant. He still loves those that others think are unimportant - maybe like you. When God was one of us, He walked right past the cheering crowds to seek out one hurting person in need just as He is seeking you today.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Choosing the Fire - #5580
For us, the word Savior has a capital "S" and only one person qualifies. That would be Jesus. He knew you and I were under a death penalty for running our own lives instead of God running them. And He knew that the only way you could escape the fire of that penalty was for Him to go to that cross and absorb all the hell of all your sin.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Beauty of a Perennial - #5601
God has created you and me with this vacancy inside that can only be filled with something eternal; something that has no ending. And that's why that hole in your heart has never really gone away. Friendships end, romances end, even marriages, by death or divorce end. And every pleasure ends; every experience ends. And our heart gets tired of saying again, "It's over." God made you for something perennial - something that's never over!

Revelation: The Navigators A Life-Changing Encounter with God's Word
Revelation - Symbolism and apocalyptic language can make the last book of the Bible confusing. This study makes it clear. Glimpse of God's majesty and the defeat of evil.

2 Thessalonians: A Life-Changing Encounter with God's Word
2 Thessalonians - Is the hope of Christ's return making a difference in your life today? It should be. Paul continues to encourage the believers to stand firm in the hope of Christ's return. SIGNS OF HIS COMING

1 Thessalonians: - A Life-Changing Encounter with God's Word
1 Thessalonians - Jesus Christ is coming back! How then should we live? Find out Paul's answer in this book study. UNTIL JESUS COMES AGAIN!

Signs of the End Times
As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. "Tell us," they said, "when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?" Read more from Matthew 24 in the Bible.

Greg Gordon : The Judgement Seat of Christ
The preaching of the judgement seat of Christ is the most neglected topic in Christian preaching in our day. Nothing is more sobering, nothing is more terrifying. When Noah Webster the famous linguistic was asked what was the most profound thought that ever came into his mind...