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Into Thy Word

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Peace be unto You, Art Katz
A message from John 20: 19-31 for a fearful and unbelieving Christianity that does not understand the phenomenon of resurrection. Appropriate for all those who are going to experience terrifying things in the Last Days.

Messages From Revelation
Fear and confusion tend to describe the way people look at the book of Revelation. This causes many to skip over it in favor of more "friendly" books of the Bible. It may surprise you to learn that Revelation is ultimately not about fear and destruction, but encouragement and inspiration!

Matthew 24: 29- 51 - Into Thy Word Ministries
The coming of the Son of Man! A spectacular glimpse to things that will come! Jesus is explaining here, symbolically, the events of the coming Tribulation (Matt. 24:29-35), and then, in the following chapters, gives us some illustrations, using parables, to help us understand these...

Matthew 24: 1-28 - Into Thy Word Ministries
The Signs of the Times! This passage is referred to as the Fifth Great Discourse of Jesus, and called “The Olivet Discourse” (Matt. 23:37-24:-35; Mark 13). Jesus is giving us a glimpse into the future and things to come for Jerusalem, most of which was fulfilled in the destruction o