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Burning Brighter Than Ever - #6702
God is looking for some modern heroes who will lead the church into a new era of boldness, who will resist the seduction of material comfort and security. We need a new dream! We need young leaders to lead it!

The Mission Right In Front of You - #6690
Your mate, your child - they may need your ear, your encouragement, your counsel as much as anyone you're going to see at that meeting. Look around your house for the needs that are right there before you, before you go charging off somewhere else to find the Lord's work. Hey, it's right there in front of you.

Lighten Up! - #6639
Could it be that your family could use a few laughs; some crazy, impulsive experiences; a parent who can kid himself about his own weaknesses. Laughing gets people to laugh, and relaxed kids communicate more, and relaxed parents make better decisions.

Our Own Little Bethlehem - #6505
You know, Christmas really is all about a Baby who came to die so we could live. And I will never stop thanking Him that He saw that lost little family in a second floor apartment on the south side of Chicago and sent a missionary - my brother - who never spoke a word to gave us Jesus.

You Got Mail...For Thanksgiving - #6488
We're pretty good at thinking of things we don't like about someone. But something good happens in your heart when you make yourself sit down and you start writing about that person's strengths, and their contributions to your life, to others' lives. And something good happens in their life when they get your gratitude in a letter. You are indeed building them up.

A Rescue Mission - #6484
God often uses the wandering of loved ones to actually make us re-examine our own lives. And the good news, if you're willing to mobilize all your resources, well, listen to what happened here. It says, "Abram recovered all the goods and brought back his relative." Fight for that loved one of yours with everything you've got, and God will bring them home.

Twister Love - #6456
Write that letter. Make that call. Go see that person. Give that gift. Say that thank you. Grab that time together. Show them you love them now.

Winning at Home - #6437
Maybe it's time to take a step back and commit yourself to first of all represent Christ, be His ambassador. Be like Jesus with your family. Whatever others get, well it's simply going to be the overflow of what you are living in front of your family. Jesus started at home. So should you.

The Rest of The Story - #6432
Think about that person you care about, or that person who's hard to care about. You can focus on what they're putting you through, or what they're going through. And if you'll get the rest of the story, you'll be just like Jesus.

You're Not All There - #6428
if you will open up to the rest of the family, you're going to be really rich! Let different Christians challenge you, and balance you, complete you. There is no family member in God's family that you don't need and who doesn't need you, because we're just not all there.