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Humble words that aren't so humble
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Today's devotional: speaking with grace and gentleness... about politics?
Does the way you talk about politics reflect the grace, patience, and humility of Jesus Christ?...

Today's Devotional: True Humility
Can you tell the difference between self-degradation and true humility? Self-degradation is...

Today's devotional: Humility, built into Creation
Earlier this week, Chris linked to a Daily Encounter devotional about true humility....

Today's Devotional: Practice Makes Perfect
One of the reasons I love Thanksgiving is because it asks us to stop and enumerate everything...

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A Thousand Teachers - #6108
Many of the most important teachers you'll ever have in your life are not the ones you'll necessarily meet in a classroom - as important as they are. It will be the people God brings into your everyday life with something He knows you need to know.

The Wrong Person's in Front - #6048
The word "sin" and the word "pride" have that same middle letter, don't they - "I." Pride cost Lucifer his place in heaven. Pride is always expensive. God won't tolerate it. He hates pride and self-promotion. There's only one Name we should be drawing attention to. It is the name of Jesus. There's only one Star in God's constellation, and His name is Jesus. And there's only one kingdom to be building with our time and our money, and it's the kingdom of Jesus.

Stepped On But Still Precious - #6016
God's one and only Son thought you were so precious that He poured out His life for every wrong thing you have ever done. Why? Because that's the only way you could ever be forgiven of your sins; the only way you could ever have the love relationship with Him you were made for; the only way you could be with Him in heaven forever.

Everything You Need - #5962
When you ask, "Who am I, Lord?" He answers, "Wrong question. Who am I?" It's not about who you are. It's about who He is. And all your abilities, and your experiences, and your battles, your weaknesses, and your strengths - they're all a divine tapestry to make you everything you need to be to do everything He put you here to do.

No Paper Plates - #5935
Don't believe the lies in your brain that keep telling you you're a paper plate, that you're worthless, that keep tempting you to throw yourself away. You are fine china! You're to be reserved for special purposes. If you feel like you're not worth much, then it's time to pay a visit to the cross where Jesus Christ died for you. That's how much God thinks you're worth - the life of His Son.

Beginnings - a Christian perspective
When we begin our endeavors with a spirit of humility, God will bless them. We should seek God's wisdom before beginning any new project, big or small.

Intelligence - a Christian perspective
Daniel was said to be an extremely wise and intelligent individual. In fact, King Belshazzar offered him great wealth if he would just exercise that intelligence. Daniel told him to keep the gold and give it to someone else, but he would help him.

Washed feet - a Christian perspective
Jesus himself did not hesitate to stoop down to wash the feet of his followers. If the creator of the universe was willing to wash people's dirty feet as an act of service, we should not hesitate to show the same willingness to humble ourselves in service to others.

Surrounded by Precious - #5880
Every man or woman in our world was made in the image of Almighty God Himself. Every man and woman in our world is "fearfully and wonderfully made," and is, in the Bible's words, "God's workmanship." Our subtle racism, or prejudice, or feelings of superiority are nothing less than sin to a holy God who "so loved the world that He gave His Son."

Foot washing in the Bible - a Christian perspective
In this memorable scene, Jesus humbles himself in such a way that his disciples felt uncomfortable--Jesus stoops to wash their dirty feet! Jesus' status as their master and teacher did not stop him from behaving with a servant's heart at all times.