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Humble words that aren't so humble
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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Unsung Heroes - #4287
The army of God has plenty of unsung heroes, too. Probably at least nine of them for every one who's on the front lines, and you may be one of those unsung heroes. But because you're unsung, you may not realize what a hero you are. But without people like you, the operations of the army of God grind to a halt.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Living With Someone Else's Heart - #4723
A life that's all about your needs and your agenda is a small life. A life that's all about Jesus, all about the needs of others, all about introducing people to Jesus is a super-sized life - one with the satisfaction of knowing you're fulfilling your created destiny.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Joy In The Jungle - #4116
You know, we all have things in our environment that are unpleasant - people that irritate or hurt us, circumstances that get us down, little injustices, stubborn problems. But when we look at the grace that God gave Martin Burnham - and we know we have access to that same grace - I have to ask, "What's our excuse for a bad attitude?"

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Slaves to Our "Stuff" - #4879
God doesn't say it's necessarily wrong to have earth stuff. It's wrong for it to have you. His prescription for freedom is first, don't trust in earth-stuff, that's what we read in 1 Timothy. Don't base your identity on it. Realize it's just a gift from God and that God has the right to give it or take it away.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Prince Caspian-The Strange Credentials of a Leader - #8073
A first step to a life that matters and to powerful leadership is the admission you can’t do it; you’re not enough. That’s when God is free to pour out His competence, His wisdom, His leadership.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Stepped On But Still Precious - #4900
When you believe you're not worth much, you're insulting the One who designed you. From the moment the egg and the sperm came together to start your life, you have been God's unique creation. If you don't believe it, look at your fingerprints. There's no one else like you. But most importantly, you are infinitely valuable because God paid for you with the life of His Son!

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Princess Unaware - #4971
Now God is "the Lord Almighty," the king of all kings. That's what the Bible says. And God says that if you're a woman in His family, you're His daughter. And what do they call the daughter of a king? Princess!

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Making it Spring - #5013
Hard, difficult people are often folks who have experienced a lot of wintry treatment from people and some of it may be their own fault. But more cold will not help blossom them into something better. Only warmth will do that. How about singing up for the Barnabas Club? Make up your mind that you're going to ask God for the grace to regularly affirm that person, to tell them their worth and beauty. Make them feel safe when they're with you. Be the one person who expects the best of them, not the worst.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Unappreciated Beauty - #5105
To put it simply, you did the sinning, but Jesus did the dying for it so you could cross the awful sin-canyon between you and God and experience the love you were made for. And the One who gave you your worth. Suddenly, with Him in your heart, you know who you are - someone worth so much to God that He made you in His image and paid for you with His blood.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - No One There to Celebrate You - #5195
Do you know how Jesus' friends knew it was Him after He came back from the dead? By the nail prints in His hands. Those prints, hammered there when He was nailed to the cross, are there forever. And when Jesus looks at His hands, He sees the nail prints and He thinks of you, because He died on that cross for you. You can walk up to that cross in your mind and say these words right from the Bible, "He loved me and gave Himself for me."