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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - When You Can Dare to Risk - #8127
See, she risks because her coach believes in her. Well, I have a coach like that, and so do you if you belong to Jesus Christ.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Where the Spotlight Belongs - #5667
Throughout Scripture, throughout history, pride has been the subtle destroyer of people that God wanted to use. As soon as He started to use them, they forgot it was Him, not them, that any success is a gift from God, not an achievement by us. It's all about Jesus; it's nothing about you. And even though men can't usually see the pride in your heart like they can see the more outward sins, God can see it and He'll not tolerate it.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Shrinking Your God - #4457
Faith is the key that unlocks all the great things God has for you. And He isn't about to let your faith stay the same size. He's in the faith-enlargement business. He's let something come into your life that defies human solution, that overwhelms human answers, so you can experience how big your King really is. When the bad news gets "badder," your God does not get smaller. He's still the Sovereign Lord, the great and powerful God. Let yourself be overwhelmed by the God you have - and you'll find that nothing but Him is truly overwhelming!


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Faith Launching - #4487
If you belong to Jesus, there are people around you who could use some faith right now for what they're facing - but they may need the "jumper cable" of your faith to inspire them to trust God in a big way.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - When the Plan Comes Together - #4433
A flawless plan, a leader who carries it out without explaining it, an amazing outcome when the plan comes together. Whoa, that's more than a scenario for some fictional TV show. It may well be exactly what is playing out in your life right now.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Senioritis Vaccine - #4597
Maybe you're at an age, or you're in a situation where you're tempted to put your life sort of on cruise. Maybe you're waiting for the next stage, or you're just waiting for heaven. Don't just sit there and say, "Well, I don't care much about where I am right now." God is saying, "I want you to care. I want you to bloom where you're planted. I want you to make this count."


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Where You Were Born to Be - #4658
You know there's got to be something more. Maybe God is stirring your soul and trying to move you where you were born to be, doing what you were born to do. And it's different from what you're doing now. Don't be afraid of it. Be expectant. And be obedient - no matter how risky that obedience looks. There's actually no such thing as a risky obedience - only a risky disobedience.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Most Dangerous Place in The World - #4214
That desperate man, and millions like him, placed their security in an institution. An institution that seemed safe but that ultimately failed them. A lot of church folks are making that mistake today - placing their eternal security in their church; in believing its beliefs, attending its meetings, even taking church leadership. Sadly, none of that is enough to get your sins forgiven or get you into God's heaven.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Settling for So Little - #4617
How often has God been ready to give us a bigger answer than we've ever seen, and we miss it because we've only got this "eight-inch pan?" It's time to blow the lid off your prayers by trusting your God - within the perimeters of His perfect will - for something only God could do!


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - How to Know Where You're Going When You Can't See a Thing - #4
Your feelings are all over the map, your circumstances are up for grabs, and you could crash if you don't know where you're supposed to go. Take a lesson from the pilot in the fog over that Eskimo village. He couldn't trust his feelings. He couldn't trust His surroundings. He could trust only one thing - what His instruments were saying. He kept checking his course by the unfailing accuracy of the instruments. For you, that's the Bible, the unfailing Word of God.
