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Wimpy Death
Every funeral of a Jesus-forgiven child of God is the ultimate declaration of what a Savior He is. This "hope" isn't wishful thinking or sympathy card sentiment. It's the surest of all sure things - because it's anchored to the Man who blew death away when He walked out of His grave.

The Rest of The Story - #6432
Think about that person you care about, or that person who's hard to care about. You can focus on what they're putting you through, or what they're going through. And if you'll get the rest of the story, you'll be just like Jesus.

How a Girl Becomes a Princess - #6429
God says when we open up our life to Jesus as our only hope, we get born into His family. This birthday could be today for you; the day you are born into God's family. There ought to be a time you can know for sure that you have begun a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Chopping Cherry Blossoms - #6422
Calling all cherry blossom trees and people like me. The pruning knife is your friend. The Gardener knows what He's doing. And He knows what you can become.

Storm Warning In Your Soul - #6413
the internal Holy Spirit sirens go off whenever we step out of the Light and into the darkness. And I'm wise to wake up right away and get to where it's safe; doing what God blesses instead of what God judges.

The Trouble With Wells - #6389
Jesus wants to make you secure by putting your life source inside you. He is enough. You're meant to draw your life from inside you, not from around you. The key to peace, the end of roller coaster living, is to depend on the spring of water welling up inside of you. And that's the identity Christ can give you.

Stuck in the On Position - #6388
Life really becomes an adventure when you open up your day to God's sovereign matching of you with people. You pray, "Lord, use my everyday activities to put me in the path of someone who needs me and who needs You."

Monster On the Loose - #6387
Is the monster of ego on the loose inside of you? Before that monster does any more damage, deal with him. Repent of that pride and come back to the simplicity and humility of being surprised that it's you He's using.

Someone to Meet You - #6386
Would you bring Jesus the little love you have, but would you bring Him all you have? You can begin again. You don't have to get all the way there, because Jesus...He's the Savior who will meet you where you are.

The Snow Plow You're Following - #6383
The Lord will never lead you anywhere that He has not first scouted and prepared for you. The snow plow clears the road ahead of you, and so does the Shepherd. And because He does, you'll never end up stuck.