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The Fear of Losing Your Place - #6314
Ask yourself, "Will I risk losing something precious or powerful to stand for my belief?" It's time to reaffirm whose you are, and whose you will be long after your current position is a memory. He will honor you if you honor Him. So, break out of the prison of loving men's praise more than God's.

The Greatest Miracle - #6310
The day you reach out and take for yourself what Jesus died to give you, you're born...again. And this was originally said to one of the most religious men of Jesus' day. It's obvious that there's no one so good that they don't need to be born again. Because we all have the cancer of sin. And we'll die without the cure.

I Know That Voice - #6280
You begin your day by getting used to His voice before you hear any others. Then, when you're getting six voices at once, you'll know your Shepherd's direction from all the rest. You'll sense the call - the tug of Jesus that you heard just this morning, and that you've heard so often. And you'll say, "I know that voice."

The Point of No Return - #6286
If today you could make this the day when you give yourself consciously to the man who gave His life for you, you will never pass the point of no return.

Men's Work - Women's Work - #6288
You demonstrate your dignity, not by how many people do things for you, but how many people you do things for. That's manhood! Jesus, the ultimate model of manhood - a muscular carpenter - can be a foot washer. The mighty Son of God can be a servant. That's the kind of real man that a woman loves to love.

Where's the Beef? - #6295
If you have a Christ who just makes rules, or even just makes sense, that probably won't be enough to attract the people you care about. People will notice a Christ who makes a difference. Well, is He? There are a lot of hungry people out there asking, "Where's the beef?" They want a life-changer. Show them a life-changing Jesus.

Catching the Golden Moment - #6263
Our mission is to wake up in the morning and begin looking for the window that that day may hold. And it might be a surprise! When spiritual opportunity opens up, respond even if it means you have to drop your plans or change your plans.

Goodies That Spoil - #6261
Once you arrive at the point where only God's approval matters, oh man, you are wise; you are free at last. You're wise because you'll make decisions based on what's good for a long time, not for what will get you liked today.

Entertainitis - #6258
We need to commit ourselves to the spiritual discipline of a personal Bible study - time with Jesus that starts every day. That's the anchor of an authentic Christian life. Maybe it's time we say, "Lord, I'm tired of being so deep into my shallow, entertaining faith. I want to get rid of this disease of entertainitis."

The Radical Christmas Victory Plan - #6249
He chooses unlikely candidates and does mighty things through them - which means your inadequacy and ordinariness may be exactly what qualifies you to be a spiritual hero. According to Jesus, who is it that will "inherit the earth?" The mighty? No - the meek (Matthew 5:3).