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Do you truly love your enemies?
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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Thanksgiving Breakthrough - #8149
If you belong to Jesus, I’m guessing there’s someone in your family or your close circle of friends who probably doesn’t have a relationship with Jesus. You want them in heaven with you, but the closer someone is, let’s be honest, the harder it is to talk to them about the only One who can get them there. That’s where this season of giving thanks comes in.

Module 110: Augustine | Christian History Institute
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Putting on Christ. One main factor has to and must come into play for us to live the Christian life, as we should with obedience and love. We are to put on Christ and take off ourselves.

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The theme of the Christian life and the reason for us to keep obedient is nothing less than love. Our use of real genuine love is the fulfillment of the law and our highest response of obedience to what He gave us.

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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Vinegar and Oil Relationships - #5677
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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Walking too Fast to Talk - #5674
Your listening time with your wife has to be a deliberate choice, a sacrifice choice, a regular choice. "I'm all yours, honey, and I'm yours for a while." That kind of love will create a home where there are no unpleasant surprises; where frustrations don't build into unmanageable avalanches; where a woman has that harbor that her heart has always longed for.