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Running Out of Ammo - #6079
For those of us fighting on the front lines, it's our responsibility to make every bullet count, to stay on mission, to always take the high road, and put our faith in Jehovah Jireh, not in contributors. And for every one of us, we need to hear the cries from the front lines, "We're winning, but we're running out of ammunition!" Let's throw everything we can into this battle for which Jesus gave everything He had!

Why "More" is Never Enough - #6046
In Ecclesiastes 3:11, Solomon actually puts his finger on why happiness is so elusive: He says, "God has set eternity in the hearts of men." We're made for something that will last forever, and nothing that doesn't last forever will ever fill the hole in our heart. In fact, we were made for a personal relationship with God, the only One who's big enough to fill that hole because that hole was made for Him.

What could one day's wages do?
Pastor Eugene Cho of Quest Church out in Seattle has a heart for the impoverished. He cares about them so much that’s he’s giving away his entire 2009 salary.

"Love of money" in the Bible: 1 Timothy 6:10
Although this verse is frequently misquoted as "Money is the root of all evil," the verse actually teaches that love of money--greed--is the sin, and an impulse that lies behind much wickedness throughout history.

The Most Vulnerable Spot - #3105
When you are handling money, always take the high road. Don't see how close to the edge of integrity you can play - see how far you can stay from the edge - always erring on the side of taking too many precautions. Money seems to have spiritual power - and Satan knows it. He has used the abuse of it - or just naive carelessness with it - to majorly harm to the name of Christ and the trust of God's people.

Throwing Out Goodies - #3736
You can keep giving out to other people because God is always going to give you back more than you gave out. You shovel out, God shovels in, and God has a much bigger shovel. And what are we giving out ultimately? Grace. Undeserved favor - just like we've received from God.

Spiritual Land Mines - #3730
Usually, if your sin is because of your love for money, you'll leave a trail and you'll eventually be caught. Usually, if your sin is one of the love of the opposite sex, it will ultimately be exposed and punished. But perhaps the most insidious spiritual land mine of all is the love of power. That one's hard to prove, hard to confront - but a prideful, power-loving spiritual leader can often maim and scar and even destroy people for a lifetime without ever being stopped.

Buy - a Christian perspective
Money won't buy your way into heaven, as is vividly illustrated in this passage. It doesn't matter how much money you put into the offering plate at church if your heart isn't in the right place.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - The Good Side of Not Having Much - #8287 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
Jack had been my best friend in high school, and now he was a very successful airline pilot. And his wife had a great job with the airline, too. Their brand new Cadillac was parked in a security garage under their exclusive apartment in New York City. We had a great evening when they invited us for dinner. So, we invited them to visit us at our totally not-exclusive apartment in a very modest New Jersey suburb. The problem was that about every ten minutes Jack would get up all worried and keep looking out the window. Finally, I figured out what he was doing. He was checking to be sure his new Cadillac–which was parked on the street–was still there. I thought: “I’m not sure if Jack owns his car, or his car owns him.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Good News, Bad News, Money News - #8229 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
The pastor got up to the pulpit one Sunday and made an unusual announcement: “I’ve got some bad news, some good news and some bad news for you.” He had everybody’s attention. He said, “The bad news is the roof on the church is shot; it’s got to be replaced. The good news is we have the money. The bad news is it’s in your wallets!”