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Black Friday reflection: Stewardship in the Advent season
It's Black Friday! Thanksgiving is over, and Christmas is on the horizon—but unfortunately,...

Taxes, Safety, Law and the Church
While you may not find it interesting, one of the realities of doing church in the United...

Taking charge of your finances in 2009
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What does stewardship mean to you today?
What does stewardship mean to you? Christians have long considered that part of being...

MinistryAmbassadors: the new face of online ministry fundraising?
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Power to get wealth - a Christian perspective
All blessings originate from God, and that includes financial blessings. The money we earn or acquire is a gift from God just like any other blessing, and brings with it the responsibility to use it wisely and for God's glory.

Wealth of the wicked - a Christian perspective
Proverbs says that good men attempt to leave an inheritance for his children's children, whereas the wealth of the wicked is stored for the righteous.

Finance - a Christian perspective
Paul writes to Timothy and tells him that money can be the cause of a host of different evils. Finance is something that can easily get us into trouble, leading us down paths we never thought ourselves capable. Instead, Paul writes, we should flee from that and instead focus on fighting the good fight of faith

Caesar - a Christian perspective
Religious leaders, trying to trip up Jesus with a politically touchy question, asked him whether or not taxes should be paid to the Roman Caesar. Jesus' response steered clear of their trap and turned the question on its head.

Stewardship in the Bible: Luke 16:1-14
An unusual parable about a dishonest manager. We are told here that our behavior when entrusted with small things--talents, money, or opportunities--reflects on our ability to deal wisely with greater things. If we want to be trusted with greater blessings or resources, we need to demonstrate that we can use what we already have for God's glory.

Wealth in the Bible: Proverbs 13:11
The Bible is full of warnings about the dangers of becoming obsessed with wealth, and of money's power to subvert our priorities. This proverb warns that dishonestly-acquired money will amount to nothing in the end.

Money in the Bible: 1 Timothy 6:10
Money and finances are an unfortunate part of life. This verse in 1 Timothy tells us that money is root of all kinds of evil. It warns us that some people have even wandered from the faith because of it.

Gas Saving Tips - Into Thy Word Ministries
Being a wise steward to our limited natural resources, and save$. Some people may only see a small change or you may see a dramatic change (Like I did). In either case these tips can help you save up to several hundred dollars per year!

The Teething of Tithing - Into Thy Word Ministries
Stewardship Part 3. Learning What It Means to Give “Cheerfully.” How do you feel when churches, ministries, or even missionaries seek you, asking for funds? Does it give you a toothache?

Biblical Stewardship - Into Thy Word Ministries
Stewardship Part II. Are you giving what’s right, or what’s left? Last time, we looked at what God calls us to concerning Stewardship. We learned that everything belongs to Him, and that we are the caretakers of His property. As Christians...