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Green Lights and God's Will - #5887
God will give you a green light often by Scripture that seems to have your name on it, strengthened by other verses that come your way at that time. He'll give you this strong compulsion in one direction during the times that you're praying, and He'll give you a sense of peace about that direction. He'll open and close doors circumstantially to confirm what He's been saying to your heart.


Last Call - #5886
You can't postpone God's call. And you can't be ready for it any other way than to be sure you belong to Jesus - the only One who can remove the sin that will keep you out of heaven. You say, "But I'm a good person." I'm not good enough, not for a perfect God. That's why Jesus came, that's why He died, that's why He rose again.


Heavy Lifting Without Injuries - #5885
Sometimes the heavier the burden, the more we neglect or forget to unload it on the shoulders of our all-powerful Lord. We're so busy trying to fix it, to carry it, to solve it, that we neglect taking it to God. Sometimes when we're hurting or discouraged, we just don't feel like praying. Great! That's exactly when we need to pray the most.


Hitting Pause - #5881
It's possible that God's been trying to say some very important things to you, things that would bring sense to your swirling world, but you can't hear Him because you're running so fast. Whatever the reason for your non-stop pace, I know there has to be someone listening right now to whom God is saying, "It's time to hit 'pause.'" Don't ignore His call to "be still and know that He is God."


Surrounded by Precious - #5880
Every man or woman in our world was made in the image of Almighty God Himself. Every man and woman in our world is "fearfully and wonderfully made," and is, in the Bible's words, "God's workmanship." Our subtle racism, or prejudice, or feelings of superiority are nothing less than sin to a holy God who "so loved the world that He gave His Son."


Finding Your Father - #5854
So many people who have lived emotionally unanchored and painful lives have found something amazing when they found Jesus Christ: they found the Father that their heart had yearned for so long. There is so much hope for hurting people in our word for today from the Word of God in Psalm 10:14. It says, "But you, O God, do see trouble and grief; You consider it to take it in hand. The victim commits himself to You; You are the helper of the fatherless."


Garbage Where it Doesn't Belong - #5818
Bring your complaints straight to God. First, He's not going to be hurt by them. He's not going to be poisoned by them like the people around you will. Secondly, He can do something about your complaints much more than the people around you can do.


What God Gives Bonuses For - #5811
We can't earn our relationship with God. Heaven is based on us trusting completely in the work that Jesus did on the cross. But God's rewards in heaven, but also here on earth, are based on how we live. And He's got His eye on you. He has some wonderful life-bonuses He wants to give you. But He's a holy God. He can only reward holiness.


No Such Thing As Retirement - #5809
You can retire from a career. You can retire from a company or an occupation, but you can't retire from the service of Jesus Christ! There are those who say, "Well, I've served my time. I've done my part. I'll just sit here and rest until Jesus comes for me." Listen, when you love the Lord Jesus, when you've surrendered your life to His leadership, you don't look for an opportunity to quit.


Never a Day Without a Sunrise - #5807
Some days you're going to be excited about what's ahead. Other days you're going to be overwhelmed by what's ahead, or some days you may be discouraged, or eager, or exhausted. But however you are, no matter what that day holds, the sun is going to come up again. It always does. And God is going to light this day, no matter what.
