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Very Away and Very Alone - #6348
Jesus Christ suffered the penalty you and I should pay: being cut off from God. That's what hell is. Everything good, pure, loving, and beautiful on earth is because of God. And hell is total "away-ness" from God with no party, no friends, no music, no money to drown that awful emptiness. Jesus was suffering all that hell for you and me on that cross.

When Life is Just "More Of The Same" - #6323
I'm thanking God today that life doesn't have to be a meaningless parade of days that replay the same old questions and the same old emptiness. On the day we step into the relationship we were made for, we step into the "more" God put us here for, and the search is over.

The Greatest Miracle - #6310
The day you reach out and take for yourself what Jesus died to give you, you're born...again. And this was originally said to one of the most religious men of Jesus' day. It's obvious that there's no one so good that they don't need to be born again. Because we all have the cancer of sin. And we'll die without the cure.

The Last Lonely Man - #6279
When you ask Jesus into your life, the wall between you and God comes down and the promise of Jesus is for you. He said, "I will never leave you or forsake you." A religion cannot alleviate your loneliness. Beliefs can't do it. Only a person can do that; a person who will never leave you, never forsake you, no strings attached. And Christianity isn't really a religion; it's the person Jesus Christ.

When It's Just Not Working - #6287
That broken relationship, and you know which one it is, is breaking God's heart. Do everything in your power to take down the walls that might be costing you the blessing of almighty God. Keep checking until you understand what is there that's broken that God says needs fixing. Quit tinkering with the problems that really aren't the problem.

A 3-D Savior - #6294
There are three dimensions of knowing Jesus. The problem might be that one dimension is out of focus for you, or maybe not even in the picture. So why not go for it all? Work for Him, be with Him, worship Him.

Where's the Beef? - #6295
If you have a Christ who just makes rules, or even just makes sense, that probably won't be enough to attract the people you care about. People will notice a Christ who makes a difference. Well, is He? There are a lot of hungry people out there asking, "Where's the beef?" They want a life-changer. Show them a life-changing Jesus.

Out By Sundown - #6297
When we let conflict and hurt stay overnight in town - maybe many overnights - we destroy peace, we erode love, we erode trust. Unresolved anger is always a bad guy in town. And you know what to tell a bad guy, right? "I want you out of here by sundown!"

Intimate Bonding - #6271
Have you played with God's bonding gift of sex? Well, confess that to Him. Let Him cleanse you as 1 John 1:9 promises He will, that "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us all our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Make it right. Reserve it for one relationship, and then use it unselfishly.

Facebook friendship links as a remarkable world map data graphic
Paul Butler, an engineering intern at Facebook, took 10 million pairs of friends and created a data map to show which cities had a lot of friendship between them. What you are looking at is nothing less than a picture of God’s heart and purpose for the world, though the Web. It’s a snapshot of 500+ million people, made in God’s image, doing one of the things we need and were created for – to make relationships. And using what is now the most visited website on the planet. It’s also a powerful reminder that the majority of these people are in relatively unreached countries, and many may have no face-to-face Jesus-follower friends at all.