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When No One's Pushing - #6618
You've got to develop your own discipline of time in The Word, of making Christ-honoring choices when there's nobody around to see but Him. You've got to take a stand on your own.

The Silent Killer - #6574
Have you been neglecting your time with Jesus? You can't see it, but you're being steadily weakened and eroded by what you're not doing. You just can't afford another day away. There have been too many already. The alternative is that one day you'll be closed; you'll cave in.

Finding Jesus on the Internet: Kimberley shares her story
The 24/7 always-on searchable Internet is an ideal match for a seeker. Here, Kimberley tells her story of seeking and finding.

Effective evangelism - Relationships and listening: keys to finding Jesus online
To paraphrase the 1990's election slogan (in response to the unspoken question "What's the priority?"), we might respond to "What's the key to effective evangelism?" with the answer: "It's the relationships, silly." Most lasting conversions are the result of an ongoing relationship with one or more believers.

Wimpy Death
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Kristi's story - a student finding truth and meaning on the Internet
A student finding truth and meaning on the Internet.

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I remember a time when a friend was relating to me some difficulties in her life. I asked her, "What does the resurrection mean in this situation?" She answered, "I know it should mean something, but I don't know what." Most of us are there. We know that the resurrection is important but we haven't connected it with our daily lives.

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