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Sea in the Bible: Micah 7:19
God promises to cast our sins into the depths of the ocean--so far away and inaccessible that we never need to worry about them ever again. God doesn't just forgive our sins; He wipes them completely away.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - The Chief and the Thief - #8247 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
He was known as one of the most respected Indian chiefs of his time; he had this unblemished reputation for being totally loving toward his people, but also totally just when it came to judging those who did wrong. He was troubled that someone from their village had been stealing pelts from his people. He let it be known that the thief would be tied to a stake in the middle of the village when the sun was high and beaten with twenty lashes of the whip. And then he set a trap to catch the thief.

Snake Handlers - #2861
Sin always kills. It kills your self-respect, your reputation, your relationships, your body, peoples trust in you, your closeness to God. You're not going to get away with it. God says, "Be sure that your sin will find you out."

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - A Captain Who Can Bring You In Safely - #8225 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
And you know, I wish I could pick my pilot. I’d pick a guy like Capt. Sullenberger. I can’t pick the pilot of my flight, but I can pick the pilot of my life; someone who can bring me in safely no matter what the danger or crisis.

To him it is sin - a Christian perspective
If we know what the right thing to do is and we choose not to do it, that's a sin. Failure to do good can be as much of a sin as doing the wrong thing.

"All have sinned" in the Bible: Romans 3:22-24
Jesus' offer of salvation wouldn't be necessary if we didn't desperately need that salvation. This passage affirms the Biblical doctrine that everyone--great or humble, rich or poor--has sinned and is in need of God's grace.

The Wound Is the Battle - #5866
Don't let your sins pile up, unconfessed, uncleansed. As soon as you realize you've blown it, deal with it immediately, call it sin and bring it to the cross of Jesus. And just because you've fallen down doesn't mean you have to stay down and start some cycle of repeated sin.

The Healing Edge - #5846
God's "more grace than there is sin" equation means that there is no one in your life who is beyond God's grace. So keep praying for them; keep loving them. There is no sin that cannot be prodigal who can't come home. And it is never too late to be forgiven. Just look at the dying thief Jesus forgave on the cross.

Getting All the Cancer - #5836
The cancer of our sin demands radical surgery; the kind that says, "Lord, I want to get it all this time! I'm holding nothing back. Do what You died to do, and set me free from this!" Here's what the bible says that could be applied to that sin that has infected your life for so long, "Sin shall not be your master."

The Freedom Line - #5833
There's no religion, there's no spirituality, there's no ritual that can liberate you from sin's shackles. The only One who can do that is the man who bought your freedom with His blood. Jesus said He came to give His life as a "ransom for many."