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Spanish Ruth A Love Story
Spanish: Elimelech and Naomi go to Moab, where their sons marry & then die. Naomi becomes a widow, & returns to Israel with Ruth, the widow of one son. Ruth used to worship idols, but now loves Naomi and the true God. She meets and marries Boaz. Their son Obed was the grandfather of King David.

Spanish Gideons Little Army
Spanish: God calls Gideon a mighty man of valor. Gideon will rescue Israel from the Midianites. Gideon uses a fleece to test God's will. It is dry one morning & wet the next. God lowers Gideon's army from 32,000 to 300 men, so He will get the glory. They defeat the enemy with trumpets & torches.

Spanish Samson Gods Strong Man
Spanish: Samson is a Nazarite to God. The Philistines are afraid of his great strength. Delilah tricks him to reveal the source of his power. Samson's hair is cut off. He is captured & put in prison. God gives him strength one more time & he pushes 2 pillars down on himself & many Philistines.

Spanish Joshua Takes Charge
Spanish: Joshua sends 2 spies into Jericho. Rahab hides them & lets them escape by a scarlet cord. God parts the Jordan River. The people march around Jericho for 6 days. They march 7 times on the seventh day and blow their trumpets and the walls fall down. All Canaan hears of God's power.

Spanish Forty Years
Spanish: Israel complains. God gives them quail & manna. Moses goes up the mountain to receive the 10 commandments. Israel sins & makes a golden calf. 10 spies bring a bad report about the promised land. Caleb & Joshua give a good report. Israel wanders 40 years in the wilderness for their sin.

Spanish Goodbye Pharaoh
Spanish: Moses says "Let My people go!" Pharaoh won't. God sends 10 plagues on the Egyptians. Frogs, lice, boils, locusts, hail, darkness follow. God sends a death Angel to kill the firstborn sons, but with passover (lamb's blood over the door), Israel escapes through the Red Sea by a miracle.

Spanish The Prince Becomes a Shepherd
Spanish: Moses kills an Egyptian and flees from Egypt and goes to Midian. God's people cry out to Him for help. God appears to Moses in a burning bush and tells him to rescue His people. With Aaron his brother, Moses goes to Egypt and says to Pharaoh, "Let my people go".

Spanish The Prince From the River
Spanish: A new Pharaoh makes the Israelites slaves. Pharaoh has the boy babies killed. Amram and Jochebed put their baby in an ark on the Nile River. Pharaoh's daughter finds him and calls him Moses. Miriam ensures Moses is nursed by his own mother before he goes to be with Pharaoh.

Spanish God Honors Joseph the Slave
Spanish: Joseph interprets the dreams of a butler & a baker. Then Pharaoh has 2 dreams. Joseph interprets them, and he makes Joseph the chief ruler in Egypt. 7 years of plenty are followed by 7 years of famine. Joseph's family come to Egypt and Joseph forgives his brothers. Benjamin rejoices.

Spanish A Favorite Son Becomes a Slave
Spanish: Jacob has a favorite son, Joseph, & gives him a coat of many colors. Joseph has 2 dreams where his brothers bow down to him. They sell him as a slave into Egypt, though Reuben tries to save him. He works for Potiphar, but is falsely accused by Potiphar's wife & is thrown into prison.