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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Marching off the Map - #3884
We need some certainty - we need some leadership. We want to hear from our national leaders, from our military leaders, from our financial leader, but none of them can give us the sense of peace and security we're needing in this "new world" that is off the map. What we're looking for can ultimately only be found in the leader--the One who created us. The issues of our day and the questions of our heart are just too big to be answered by anyone other than God Himself.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - No Escape on a Dead-End Road - #3894
That was a horrible tragedy - made even more tragic by the fact that what they thought was a way of escape turned out to be a dead-end road. As I read about this disaster, I couldn't help but think that so many people are making that same kind of mistake - when it comes to their spiritual destiny.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Strongest Nails In The World - #3929
In Galatians 2:20, our word for today from the Word of God, there are two words that are literally life-changing - even eternity-changing. They're the difference between someone who has Christianity and someone who has Christ. Between someone who has a Christian religion and someone who has a personal relationship with Jesus. Ultimately, these two words are actually the difference between heaven and hell.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Rescue Glue - #3930
Rescue unites God's people. When believers, when a church, when a ministry is focused on rescuing the dying, whatever it takes, there's no time to battle with each other. They're too busy battling for the lives of lost people around them. There was no conflict between those New York police and firefighters when they were in that wreckage, desperately working together to bring some people out alive. Turf and ego and divisive issues just don't seem important when people are dying.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Magnet In That Old Hunk Of Wood - #3954
That father had given the highest kind of love there is - the giving of his life so people he loved wouldn't have to die. It is that kind of love that touches us in the deepest part of us - compelling love. It's why I'm asking you to open your heart today to the One who has loved you like that.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Bullets You Can't Get Back - #3957
Our angry, or reckless, or critical words are bullets - and it's all too easy to pull that trigger. In fact, it takes the help of God and our personal discipline to keep from firing off a round of wounding words. But once you pull that trigger, there's no way to get that round back. Long after you've forgotten what you said, that person is still feeling the hurt of it, still hearing it over and over again in their heart. The words take a moment; the wounds can last for years.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Proud - But Lost - #3959
That's one of those frustrating things about a lot of us men - they can be lost, but too proud to ask for help. That's a mistake that has made many a man miss his destination - including the meaning of his life and the heaven he hopes to go to when he dies. A man can be spiritually lost - and even have someone in his life who is encouraging him to reach out to God - but he's too proud to do it. That can be fatal pride. You may be a man like that. God loves you too much to lose you - so He'll do whatever it takes to open you up to what only He can do for you.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Walking the Dark Hills - #3964
That's the kind of anchor relationship with God that will sustain you no matter what you lose - no matter what hits you. He will walk with you through even the darkest stretch of all - the final mile called death. And whatever is bigger than you are, God is bigger than it is.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Missing the Way Out - #3989
Like the hypocrites you've known, for example. Many honest people have held back on committing to Jesus because "Hey, I've just known way too many Christians who were hypocrites." Maybe you've even known those who were supposed to be Christian leaders who have messed up. That's heavy smoke, blocking your view of Jesus.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Whatever it Takes - #5403
Like the rescue God commands in Proverbs 24:11, "Rescue those being led away to death." Or in Jude 24, "Snatch others from the fire and save them." In other words, you got rescued from the fire, now don't just leave the people you know in the fire. God put you where you work, where you live, where you recreate, where you go to school to take some of those people to heaven with you!
