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Today's Devotional: Our Words Are Powerful
Our words are powerful. The old saying "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will...

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Life and death - a Christian perspective
The Bible is very clear about the power of speech to do great good or evil. Here, words are described as having the power of life and death--the power to build somebody up, or tear them down. The power of the tongue should not be underestimated.

The Tongue in the Bible: James 3:1-11
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"--a familiar saying, but one at odds with the Bible's teachings about the power of the tongue, both to heal and to hurt. This passage uses some interesting metaphors to describe the destructive power of an untamed tongue.

Harsh word - a Christian perspective
Words have tremendous power--either to disarm anger and lead people away from arguments, or to inflame disagreement and hate. God wants us to use our tongue to defuse hate and anger whenever we hear it.

"Speak" in the Bible: Psalm 15:1-5
In this list of the characteristics of a holy person, take note of how many of them are related to speech. A godly person avoid slander, keeps his word, and speaks only what is true.

Mouth in the Bible: James 3:1-12
Watching our words and speech is a major theme in the Bible. This passage describes the importance (and difficulty) of gaining control of our tongues. Words have more power over us and others than we care to admit, so it's critical that what comes out of our mouths is praiseworthy.

Listen in the Bible: James 1:19
There's one surefire way to avoid speaking foolishly: remain silent, and listen to others instead of telling them what to do. Scripture praises the person who chooses to patiently and wisely listen to others rather than constantly voicing his or her own opinions.

Overcoming the Curse of Words
Whether hurtful words are said intentionally or in jest, damage can be severe. Nancy talks about how to overcome the curse of words and break free from their power.

Power of Words
Words have the power to hurt and to intimidate. But they also have the power to encourage and to heal. Nancy takes an in-depth look at the Book of Proverbs and challenges us to examine our words--and ultimately our hearts.

Overcoming the Curse of Words
Whether hurful words are said intentionally or in jest, damage can be severe. Nancy talks about how to overcome the curse of words and break free from their power.

James 3: 1-12 - Into Thy Word Ministries
Taming the Tongue! Here is where James is slapping our face to get our attention on discipline so we do not fall further into judgment by gossip. Why? Because; words can get us in so much trouble, and serve both for the good of the Kingdom and the...