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FarsiPraise Ministries, Inc.

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New free video tells the Christmas story - embed or download
In the Celtic Christian tradition, 'thin spaces' are times and places where the spiritual and the natural world intersect – occasions when it is possible to reach out and be touched by God. Christmas, even in our post-christendom world, is such a thin space.

Best version of The First Tech Support Call humor video
Just think about to how clueless we may have felt when we started online. And how much help we perhaps needed, as illustrated by Norwegian TV's 'The First Tech Support Call'. This is the best version (downloadable from YouTube) which includes the final punchline. Plus a free e-book for newcomers to the Web.

YouTube turns 6. Why the video clip is essential for evangelism
YouTube is celebrating its sixth birthday this month, and the Google subsidiary is doing it partly by sharing some big numbers that underscore its overwhelming dominance in the online video streaming space.

How to share the Christian good news on Facebook with video clips
Christian media producer CVC is exploiting the exponential growth of social media and online video. Their new website offers Christians a categorised range of third-party evangelistic video clips. Here at last is a one-stop source of approved conversation-starting video clips we can easily share on Facebook (or other social media), embed in a blog, or download to a smartphone to share one-to-one.

Projecting videos in a church service - give viewers a time frame
Stewart Redwine writes in Christian Video Magazine about an issue with short films being projected in a church meeting. “The problem with short films shown in a Church service is simply this; no one knows when the video will end.” They know that TV ads last 30 seconds, music videos 3-6 minutes, and TV programs 30 minutes. They have no frame of reference for engaging with a video short, unless we give them help.

Video clips for Christian ministry - easy way to make one
We often respond to visual images much better than pure words. On the high street, do you look for words or known shop logos? It’s the shape and color of ‘Subway’ or the ‘M’ of McDonalds we recognize, not the word itself. On our computer desktops, we look for the PowerPoint icon, not the word. Images say much more than words alone, and magnify their effectiveness. And moving images hold our attention. There is great potential for video clip outreach.

YouTube embedded video - prevent related video options being displayed when video has finished
You can actually link to a small portion of a video clip, rather than the whole thing. And a major potential problem for sites embedding a clip using YouTube’s generic copy-and-paste coding: when the clip has finished, YouTube by default inserts a range of thumbnail links to other video clips it believes are related to the topic. Problem is, they may not be, and at worst, can be very very inappropriate. But there is an easy way to stop these appearing, so that all that displays when the clip has finished is a ‘replay’ button. Just add &rel=0 to the end of both Youtube video URLs within the embedded code. This easy but little-known tip is so important that it deserves very wide circulation in the web world.

Putting an introductory video on your church website
A short introductory video on your church site is a great way to introduce outsiders to your fellowship. Coton Green Church in Tamworth UK has produced, in-house, an excellent video providing a gentle low-key introduction to the fellowship.

Book review: The New Community Rules - Marketing on the Social Web, by Tamar Weiberg
It’s a little over 300 pages, but reads easily and is a great reference tool for navigating social media sites such as Facebook and Flickr, understanding blogs and why YouTube is so popular. If you are in ministry and are not using social media, or just getting your feet wet, this book will really flesh out the why’s behind everything and how to leverage social media towards your organization’s goals.

Video Podcast to Iranian Christians - Encouraging the persecuted
Video podcasts found in FarsiPraise indlude some YouTube videos and some original videos not found on YouTube. The goal is to encourage, empower and raise a new generation of lead worshipers.