Was Jesus Born in a Stable?

As part of the Christmas celebration celebration, many of us will read through the Christmas story again (you can find it in Luke 2:1-20). And although the written part of story is relatively short, it’s full of little touches. It’s easy to confuse the details of the Biblical account with other pop culture renditions.

Perhaps some of us (myself included) have taken it for granted that Jesus was born in a stable; however, the Gospel writers never mention exactly where Jesus was born—just where he was laid afterward. It’s just one of those details built into the mythology surrounding the Christmas story that we take for granted.

You can read more misconceptions over at ChristianAnswers.net. Here’s a few more:

Did Mary ride a donkey to Bethlehem? Perhaps, but there are various other possibilities. The Bible doesn’t say how she got to Bethlehem. It only says that she came with Joseph.

Did Mary arrive in Bethlehem the night she gave birth? The Bible does not suggest this. They could have arrived weeks earlier. God’s Word simply states, “while they were there [in Bethlehem], the days were accomplished that she should be delivered” (Luke 2:6). Arriving in town well before her due date would make more sense.

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