What’s the biggest “stumbling block” in Christianity for you?

The book of 1 Corinthians gives Jesus one of the most unusual titles you could ever imagine being applied to a religious figure: stumbling block. The point (as I understand it) is that one of the hardest things to accept about the Gospel message is the person of Jesus Christ himself. The person and meaning of Jesus defy human learning and logic; the fact of the Messiah trips up and confounds those who approach Christianity from a human-focused perspective.

In your religious journey, have you encountered what you would describe as a stumbling block? If you’re a Christian, was there one particular issue or demand that you bumped up against time and time again before you finally made the choice to follow Christ? What ultimately helped you to make it over that obstacle?

Share your thoughts!

24 Responses to “What’s the biggest “stumbling block” in Christianity for you?”

  • Yuvett says:

    One of the biggest stumbling blocks for me is not moving ahead of God. I tend to try and fix everything myself and have not waited on the Lord’s direction. This all came to a STOP recently and I had no one to call on but God. I have since learned that patience is something I need in order to make it through life itself.

  • Sex. I’m single and dig women. Pastor said sex before marriage is sin. He is correct, backed up with Matthew 5:27-28. Time has passed and as gods will has become in mine, sex & lust and a few other things are no longer tolerated in my life. I fell in love with a Godly woman way better than I could ever find on my own. I am very happy that God keeps his promises. We will wait till our wedding night. (were 50)God is in this and we are not about to mess things up like Adam & Eve. Enjoy life with the woman you love and you will get good life in your work. Ecclesiastes 9:9

    • Jewels says:

      What you share is encouraging, and oh-so correct. I highly recommend you watch the DVD “Pamela’s Prayer”. It’s available from a christian book/DVD supplier, such as christian cinema online. It’s a good one to watch, and then share…as it affirms just as you are stating. Waiting, though not easy, is God’s plan and so God will reward. Eh? :)

  • I think my stumbling block was not knowing the truth. I had heard over and over again people inviting me to walk down an isle and pray a prayer, without telling me the thing that made everything make sense. Also my own self righteousness. Self Righteousness which made it more about what I do in my efforts for salvation, but the thing I had to realize is that it was what Jesus did on the cross, he paid for the sins that I done, which was breaking the 10 commandments, things such as lying (only need to lie once to be a liar), stealing (if you steal once no matter what the value you are a theif), killing (I had never killed physically but hatred in my heart, and adultery of the heart lust, I use to fantasize often as a teenager of being with people, although physically I never was. Then realizing that my sin put Jesus on the cross, and he was paying my way so that if I would turn from my sin (repentence) and forsake it and then put my trust in Jesus for salvation alone, not merely believing (especially just head knowledge) the demons believe and tremble. But trust that he’s gonna be my payment for all my sins, when I die. Then I could have peace in knowing when I do die that I will be propitiated Jesus’ righteousness on myself (propitiation is the payment, paid in full, Jesus did it all). Also another thing I realized is that if I didn’t even have love for the lost and even have the desire to seek and save them, there’s a good chance that I wasn’t saved myself, because true Christians have this desire, they may have trouble doing it, but they have the desire there. Also, if I didn’t know how to lead others to Christ how can I be considered saved myself. Not all these things happened before I was a Christian, but it was things that were cleared up after a Christian. It’s all these things together, which made the cross make sense and the light went on and God showed the truth to me. I am so thankful to him and I do tell others about Christ, sometimes, by words in text or mouth, but also things like Gospel tracts and now I have a radio show where I get to tell others about him freely, I am also thankful about that. Please see my website, for more details about my testimony and my radio show. I hope this post helps somebody realize the truth also.

  • I think it is a challenge to each and every one of us to accept ,and better yet, put into practice the love of Christ. I believe that the stumbling block is really about Christ’s freedom from the law which went against every fiber of the Jews views.

    I believe that Jesus was stressing the “heart” of the law and love of God the Father and not the ritualistic or legalistic law of Moses and this is what ultimately tripped up the Pharisees and Sadduccees of Christ’s time.

    In our time as Christian believers, it is the denial of self for his cause and to be His clear representation in the world. To shine the light of His love onto others within our own sphere of influence. This requires sacrifice, dedication, commitment, worship, prayer, confidence, and encouraging others to do the same.

    The daily world stresses us and the many obstacles and earthly commitments of the day can take our eyes off this ideal. A place where we forget Him. So it is important to remember Him in every detail of your life, trying to stay true to Him. I believe that this is the battle we fight. I know it is mine.

  • Bob Smith says:


  • My biggest stumbling block is how Christianity has been become such a personal self-help spiritual improvement program. It is so much more!!

    Christ asked us to joined him in a thrilling journey to co-labor with him in redeeming every aspect of our creation from spiritual to economic. Our economic system is in serious need of an overhaul right now. Will the churches step up together and be a light to show the world how Christ would help to fix it?

    I will leave you with one link that shows you what this could look like: http://www.detroitcommunitygrocerystorecoalition.net

    This is a coalition of almost 80 churches working together for a single goal. Beautiful.

  • paul says:

    The biggest problem for most is that they do not have the truth to believe the trust. Jesus says”believe on me as the scriptures says” John 7:38 and Luke 24:47 and Acts 2:38, Acts 10:48, 1John 2:12, Mark 16:16. Paul say in Acts 19:1-6 to be baptized in the name of Jesus and recieve the Holy Ghost. Eph. says the Holy Ghost seals us unto the day of redemption, thats the rapture. We must first believe and then repent full heartedly of our sins and be baptized in Jesus name to wash your sins away, Acts 22:16. Acts 4:12 says only one Name under heaven to be saved by,JESUS. and recieve the Holy Ghost. not to except the Holy Ghost as some churches say but to recieve it. to accept it puts you in control but to recieve it puts God in control, and we want God in control because we are not able to do anything with out sinning. Write me if you like at Myspace.com/paulthomaswright If you goto my website you will see more writtings on the bible and fotos. Some is in spanish. I hope that all would read this and get a better look at the truth. God bless you all!! From the pastor of “La Casa de Dios” in Dothan Alabama

  • Laura Victoria says:

    Mine is patience and intolerance. Bob, indecision is also a big one for me, though it is more recent and I think brought on at least in signficant part by depression.

    Jimmy, though I’ve had other priorities than romance since becoming a Christian barely 5 years ago, particularly as a woman, I’ve wondered if God did lead me to Mr. Right, would I want to marry that man not knowing whether we’d be compatible intimately or not. And I’m not just talking things that a loving couple could work through; but issues such as whether a guy is a complete freak, etc. So even though sex has not been my practical problem (yet), I fear that the admittedly clear-cut proscriptions against “driving before buying” would be tough–particularly with equally clear scriptural prohibitions against divorce.

  • kathy says:

    I knew christianity when I was a teenager. I went to a number of churches but I did not seem to grow on this teaching. I left and somehow I stumbled on buddhism many years later. I picked up more through chanting and meditation about life.

    One day I read a book called Secret and the author shared how her life was totally changed after reading a book her daughter gave her. I trailed after her for a year. She recommeded many books at the back of the books and I tried to find them to read. After a couple of months I realised my mind started to think diffferently and I especially paid attention to the statement like attracts like, we are like a transmission tower.

    I read following books:
    Master key system by charles Hanel
    Science of getting rich by wallace wattles
    The invisible power by Geneieve Brehend
    Thought are things by prentice
    Secret of the ages by roberts collier
    Riches within your reach, the thing called you, the art of life by Ernest Holmes

    I also read books by Thomas Troward and prosperity bible by various authors.

    I meditated over these books many months; and the book secret
    is the basis of my thinking because it is the book I can easily relate to.

    When I come across god or jesus mentioned in the books, I changed to wisdom, energy, mind, universe, life, power. I only think of the good the universe promised such as abundance, wealth, prosperity, health, love, power, wisdom, etc.

    Those thoughts like lack, limitation, fear, anger, disease, illness are to be eliminated from my thought totally.

    When I focused on the good thought only, I felt good and it became my habitual thinking. I meditated on the Law of cause and effect freqently and I realised I have unsconciously connected to the invisible and that is god.

    I am just like the prodigal son who is surrounded by the good but did not aware I have it. Until I lost the good did I discover that I am heir to the good,I am born rich and why I so stupid as to forgo the good. I desire to get back whatever is promised to me. I walked back to god and felt liberated immediately.

    What I can say is that I tunned my mind to the mind of god and I found god in the end. My volition is I must be willing to let god come into my life and I surrendered wholeheartedly. It is a long journey and fortunately I found god in this life.

  • Fred Boyle says:

    Excellently stated. To my unbelieving son, this would be a good focus.

  • neets says:

    well mine is being too weak and easily influenced. My mind is a secret tool. Sometimes i think of things that i should not and i ponder on them too long and before i know what’s happening i’m in trouble.
    People suggest things to me and I hate to say no and before I know it Im doing something that I should not do.
    I pray for God to lead me in only doing the good things and the for the strength to let only the Lord have control of my mind.

  • jon says:

    anger – It’s the raw emotion. It’s difficult to turn off. I’m angry about everything.

    • Teddy Bona says:

      Hi Jon I understand what it is to be angry, I still have a problem with it but I do know that it can be controlled, the Bible says be quick to listen slow to speak and slower to anger it also says not to let the sun go down on your anger and not to have unrightous anger, even our Lord got angry.
      Controlling your anger will take practice and work and it won’t happen over night but it will happen

  • I became a christian three years ago and the one thing that prvented me form coming to christ initailly was the fear he would give me a man i didnt want and tell me to marry him.I was terrified that he would make me do what i didnt want to do and because I had no choice i would have to do ti remain miserauble for the rest of my life.In addition to that,I was scared he would take away my dancing and music.I loved to sing and dance nad of course it wasnt to christian music i danced to or christian songs i composed. I used to think he would be a stumbling block to what i listened to and read. But three years ago all that changed.When i do have any fear,I remmeber that God said his palns for me are good and not evil.He wont harm me but help me.Its not been easy but God has been teaching me to trust him and I am growing gradually.

  • Rúben says:

    Ho there brothers and sisters. I share the thoughts you all have pointed. But, I think that what Jesus tell us as the golden rule (Mathew 22:37-39) is the ultimate step to be a complete christian. Love, and all other spiritual gifts that come along (patience, kindness, etc.) really is the point that turn destroyed people in blessing channels (John 13:35).

  • Pat says:

    My stumbling block used to be how complicated I thought salvation was due to lack of understanding from previous teaching or lack of it in the past. I have since learned that it is just what His Word says….Matt. 11:30 “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” HALLELUYAH!!!!

  • Teddy Bona says:

    The biggest stumbling block in a Christians life is the mind, to us as humans we need to see the end result or make sense of things because if we can’t then God is incapable!! It is the same with our kids, we tell them do it this way but we get ignored our children fail at the task and then they look for our guidance, there minds have thoughts and block the trust they should have in us just as our thoughts block our faith in our Father good thing He is faithful when we are doubtful.

  • Justin says:

    My biggest stumbling block in my
    Faith has got to be the hurt and pain
    I have suffered in my life I have been divorced
    And because of that I blamed God and turned
    Away from him since then I was in a great
    Relationship with a women but ruined it
    because of my own selfish actions.
    God has still been faithful to me through
    All this and is slowly but surely turning my
    Heart back to him.

  • P says:

    Apathy…. being so busy and discouraged as a school teacher that I literally have no energy except to say a prayer.

  • Ira Kirkpatrick says:

    shall I just make a lists. my first stumbling block is my carnal man, just as Paul said that he died daily, that was a death to his carnal earthly self so that his spiritual, holy ghost filled, Godly saved person could not have that stumbling block.
    second is the thoughts that i have to squelch that are not of God and are of this world. Bible said we are in this world and not of this world.
    we need to read the bible for what is says in its context and stop taking one or two verses and even thought they are profound, when taken out of context it can be blashpemed by doing this.
    god Bless all both Jews, Gentiles and all that will or may hear the word of the Living God.

  • Kathy says:

    At this point in life, my main stumbling block has been actually relying on what I know is true of the Lord. For example, when we are brought through a storm, we can literallty feel that God carried us and protected us, but being in the midst of it brings about so much uncertainty and anguish. I would like to be in a place where I STAND (mentally, spiritually, and emotionally) throughout and not crumble.