Burdens in the Bible: Galatians 6:2
Being a follower of Christ doesn't just mean having your own spiritual burden lifted from your shoulders by Christ. It means actively seeking out those who need help, and shouldering their burdens with them. Service to others is a critical part of the Christian faith.


With God - a Christian perspective
With God all things are possible. Even something as mindbending as a camel going through an eye of a needle. And if that's possible, then it's possible for us--who are steeped in sin--to enter the Kingdom of heaven.


Burned in the Bible - a Christian perspective
On God's day of judgment, God will carefully examine what we have done with our lives. God will save all of those who called on Jesus Christ, but believers who have wasted opportunities to serve God will see their flimsy works collapse beneath the weight of God's scrutiny.


Six Days in the Bible - a Christian perspective
In the first chapter of the Bible, we read an account of God creating the world in six days. On the seventh day he rested.


Corban - a Christian perspective
Corban means a gift devoted to God. In this passage Jesus is saying that when we just honor our father and mother as a corban, we're doing them a disservice. The intent behind the commandment isn't that we just do something, but rather that our heart is changed.


Overflow - a Christian perspective
What's in our hearts and minds inevitably influences our words and actions. As this verse puts it, our innermost thoughts and desires will "overflow" into our actions and become obvious.


Focus in the BIble - a Christian perspective
The apostle Paul focuses his life on exactly one thing: Jesus Christ. The entirety of his life is bent around pursuing Christ in everything he does, not dwelling on what he's left behind, but looking ahead to the goal.


Jew - a Christian perspective
In Galatians, Paul writes that in Christ Jesus there is no distinction made between Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female. It is one of the most astounding parts of the gospel of Jesus that all can partake of the grace he offers.


"Fig tree" in the Bible: Mark 11:12-25
This is unusual "miracle" that is intermixed with Jesus' famous confrontation with the money lenders in the temple. He commands a fig tree to wither, and when his disciples later express amazement that it has done so, he teaches them to bring their requests to God confidently and faithfully.


What must I do to be saved? - a Christian perspective
After their release from prison, Paul and Silas didn't immediately flee. Rather, they stayed to talk to the jailer about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He memorably asked "What must I do to be saved?" to which they replied that faith in Jesus Christ was what was needed.
