Sharing communion with others
The idea of a common cup during communion is a bit freaky to me. All those germs from all those mouths are a bit unsettling, but after reading Swine Flu and the Common Cup over at the Gospel Coalition blog, I’m beginning to think there’s something beautiful that happens when we indiscriminately share the cup.

Can Christians Gamble in Good Conscience?
Obviously, addictive gambling is a major problem—and one not to be taken lightly. But what about the person who buys a lottery ticket now and then? Are they sinning?

Should Christians Meditate?
Meditation is defined as the act of engaging “in mental exercise for the purpose of reaching a heightened level of spiritual awareness.” Let’s assume that we’re talking about meditating on a particular passage or phrase in the Bible, or on an aspect of God. Is this something Christians should do?

What could one day's wages do?
Pastor Eugene Cho of Quest Church out in Seattle has a heart for the impoverished. He cares about them so much that’s he’s giving away his entire 2009 salary.

Is Batism Necessary for Salvation?
There’s a lot of nuances to baptism (sprinkling v. immersion, adult v. child, etc.), but I’d like to focus on the core question of whether or not it’s essential for salvation. What's your perspective?

Is there such a thing as the Age of Accountability?
The idea behind the age of accountability is that before a certain age a child is not responsible for their actions. If they die before reaching the age of accountability, they are saved. After that, they are responsible for their own salvation. What do you think?

Our Posture Toward God’s Word
We all have problems, and we want solutions. That’s why it’s so tempting to treat the Bible like a big book of answers. But is this the right way to approach the Bible?

Should Christians Support the Death Penalty?
Capital punishment is considered only in the most extreme of cases, and even then, it’s rarely used. Despite its infrequent use, is the death penalty something Christians should support?

Do you participate in Halloween festivities?
Every October 31st, Halloween rolls around with all of its perceived positives and negatives. For some, whether or not to participate isn’t even a point of discussion. For others, it’s a question they wrestle with every year. What do you think?

Faces of the abandoned church
Have you ever seen an abandoned church? How did it make you feel? Some thoughts on abandoned "sacred space."