Physical training in the Bible - a Christian perspective
We shouldn't neglect training our bodies and pursuing physical excellence, but such things pale in comparison to training our spirits to be more like Christ.

Let there be light - a Christian perspective
One of the most famous quotes in the entire Bible--these words were uttered by God upon the creation of the world. Day and night sprang into being at His command.

Perversion in the Bible - a Christian perspective
Paul writes that God gave those that worshiped idols over to perversions and shameful lusts.

Thanksgiving - a Christian perspective
When we go to God with our requests--and this passage explicitly encourages us to do so--we are to do so with a spirit of thankfulness. God doesn't discourage us from approaching him with our needs; just the opposite, he wants us to go to Him with all of our requests.

Holy Hands in the Bible - a Christian perspective
Paul tells Timothy that it's his desire to see all people pray with holy hands uplifted. He wishes that people could pray without becoming angry or disputing.

You are mine in the Bible - a Christian perspective
God chose and redeemed His people throughout the Bible. He extends His invitation specifically to each of us, individually--He knows our names, and wants each of us specifically to become a member of His family

Father's Business - a Christian perspective
Unbeknownst to his parents, Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem after the Passover Feast one year. They spent three frantic days looking for him before they found him pontificating and debating with the religious leaders. He told his parents that he was doing his Father's business.

"Availeth much" in the Bible: James 5:16
James tells us that the prayers of the faithful are truly helpful. James also tells us to confess our faults to one another and to pray for one another so that we might be healed.

Seek first the kingdom of God - a Christian perspective
When we put God at the center of our lives and direct everything we do toward His service, He rewards us with all of the other things we need.

Sins are forgiven - a Christian perspective
Jesus caused a controversy among the religious leaders by claiming to forgive sins. Doesn't God alone forgive sins? they asked. Jesus is able to forgive our sins because he is, in fact, God.