Proverbs: Ron Rhodes
Proverbs A Life-Changing Encounter with God's Word More than just clever sayings, the proverbs teach how to live life. Apply them to yourself through this study.

1 Samuel: A Life-Changing Encounter with God's Word. Wayne S. Nelson
1 Samuel - Old Testament history is anything but dull. This study makes Samuel, Saul, and David come alive! Moral corruption. David, the man after God's own heart.

Ruth and Esther : A Life-Changing Encounter with God's Word
Ruth & Esther - Be inspired by studying the lives of these two Old Testament heroines. Is God really sovereign? Can individual people make a difference in His world?

Joshua: A Life-Changing Encounter with God's Word
JoshIsrael has arrived in the Promised Land, but now they must conquer it. We learn many principles from this account. God teaches unforgettable lessons about Himself and what it means to be a citizen of His Kingdom.

Exodus: A Life-Changing Encounter with God's WordWayne S. Nelson
Exodus - God's dealings with Israel teach us a lot about His character and how we should live. Through miraculous deliverance and covenant law, the Redeemer is revealed.

Genesis: A Life-Changing Encounter with God's Word
Genesis - A grasp of this first book of the Bible is foundational to understanding all the rest of Scripture. Book of beginnings. God creates the heavens...the and woman. But rebellion breaks out, and God begins the task of mending His relationship with mankind.

Living the Questions in Luke: The Navigators
Living the Questions in Luke. With this ten-week study, individuals and small groups can wrestle personally with some of the often-unsettling questions Jesus asked in the gospel of Luke, enabling them to build a stronger faith and a more intimate relationship with Christ.

Living the Questions in Mark: The Navigators
Living the Questions in Mark. Using this ten-week study, readers and small groups can grapple with some of the provocative questions Jesus posed to his followers in the gospel of Mark, enabling them to embrace life's uncertainties and strengthen their faith.

Living the Questions in Matthew: The Navigators
Living the Questions in Matthew. Readers can plunge into the perplexing and seemingly unanswerable questions of life found in the Gospel of Matthew and learn to trust the One who described Himself as the way, the truth, and the life.

Living the Questions in John: The Navigators
Living the Questions in John. Life is full of questions, and an honest believer learns how to embrace those questions and build a stronger faith in the process.