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Why Christian drama communicates. Is it biblical and effective? Plus free drama skits.
Sometimes Christians have been wary of using drama. “Can it be right to communicate in this way?” they ask. Others may happily use drama for children, but consider it has no relevance for communicating to adults. We suggest that drama is an under-used yet essential means of communicating Gospel truths, both to Christians and non-Christians. Of course there are dangers. There are dangers with preaching, dangers with street witnessing, dangers with web evangelism, dangers with radio evangelism. Let’s look at why drama is biblical and effective.

Christian apologetics: using apologetics answers and discussion in evangelism online outreach
Although many non-Christians have no interest in discussing apologetics issues with Christians, there are some who have the mindset to ask questions and debate issues. Indeed, in the modern world where there is no longer any consensus about truth and values, apologetics can still be strategic.

Cartoons and comics: using comics or cartooning for Christian evangelism and gospel outreach online
Humor communicates! God invented it. Jesus used it. Most of us enjoy having our spirits lifted by a cartoon. Ron Wheeler, of Cartoonworks comments that disarming cartoon humor means “people are more receptive to hearing the Gospel message.”

Christian Humor: why humor, fun, jokes and stories communicate in evangelism and the Bible
Humor is very valuable in evangelism and Christian communication because: * humor breaks down barriers and can smuggle ideas and challenges into people’s hearts. * a joke or humorous situation is often very memorable. * it shows that we don’t take ourselves too seriously, that we are not ‘holy Joes’, killjoys, or boring. * humor has been shown to be an essential component of adult learning. * most importantly, because we have a biblical mandate to use humor!

Wilbur Schramm principle of common interest communication is a Bible strategy for Christians
There are a number of theories of communication, often quite complex to grasp. (Some are explained here.) They are nevertheless helpful to us in understanding how messages are transmitted and received. Rather than being ‘psycho-babble’, they often demonstrate human truths which are also clearly given us in the Bible.

The Engel Scale - a detailed explanation of spiritual journeys towards Christian commitment
There are few online resources explaining the Engel Scale and similar concepts of Christian communication. This page draws together a range of resources and links.

How people become Christians: Gray Matrix explains spiritual journey of conversion, salvation + growth
Engel promoted a revolution. Not Engels the Marxist thinker, but James Engel the missiologist. He first outlined what has become known as the 'Engel Scale of Spiritual Decision'. This describes the way in which an individual, or by extension a whole group, progress in their understanding of the Gospel, as God's sovereign grace begins to illuminate their hearts. By understanding the way God communicates, we can become better co-communicators.

Internet Evangelism books and research studies, many free downloads
The books in this section cover different aspects of internet evangelism, and are mainly free downloads.

Facebook, social networking and the Christian good news
“Just in case you needed further confirmation that blogs, social networks, and games are overtaking everything else on the ‘Net, Nielsen has released its latest statistics,” says Matthew Lasar in Aars Technica.

Recommended best books for Christian leaders, pastors and evangelists
This priority list has been chosen, not as representing the best Christian or web books of any sort, but because they have special significance for evangelism and ministry in our rapidly-changing world. Some of these books are virtually the only ones to offer their particular insights.