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Book review: Plain English Campaign downloadable guides
The Plain English Campaign campaigns against gobbledygook, jargon and misleading public information. They encourage writers to use meaningful words. Their free downloadable guides in PDF format explain the principles. Particularly useful for a web writer are their two general guides: How to write in plain English and The A-Z of alternative words.

Book review: Net Words - Creating High-Impact Online Copy, by Nick Usborne
We have a lot to learn from the people who make a living by communicating on the Web in e-commerce. Not, of course, that Christian writing should become glib sales patter. However, Usborne’s book is not merely about sales techniques. It reveals much about the nature of the Web and the expectations of web users, and how it differs from other mediums.

Facing the Challenge: free study courses for Christians on engaging with the world around us
These acclaimed group-study courses are available as free downloads, or by post. Although intended for group study and discussion, you can also use them for personal study. The course ‘Facing the Challenge of our Times’ is thoroughly biblical in outlook and demonstrates how we are mandated to relate to the culture around us. Other courses cover TV, other faiths, and relating to a hostile world.

Book review: Culture Making - Recovering Our Creative Calling, by Andy Crouch
Crouch is a leading Christian analysist of culture, and in this ground-breaking book explains what culture is, how to understand it, and then how Christians can ‘make culture’. He gives believers tools for cultivating and creating culture by helping us to make sense of the world around us.

Book review: The Death of Truth, editor Dennis McCallum, Baker Book Publishers
Christianity and Christian ethics are under attack as never before. But so often, we are like a blind-folded child in a party game: we know someone is hitting us, but we don’t understand who, why, or the nature of the attack. This book is probably the best available for explaining ‘postmodernism’. Don’t be put off by this technical term! It really just means ‘mood of the age’.

Book review: The Seven Basic Plots, Why we tell stories, by Christopher Booker
Readers of Middlemarch by George Eliot may recall the dry old scholar Rev Casaubon’s failed attempt to create a unifying ‘Key to all Mythologies’. (You may have briefly felt in passing, that Casaubon’s plan was irrelevant and futile.) But Booker has succeeded in doing this and much more – a quite remarkable analysis of the nature of story, in a project which took him 34 years. But do not be misled into thinking that this is a sterile academic book – it is highly readable! And for its 700 pages, remarkably cheap.

Book review: Serve Him With Mirth, by Leslie Flynn
Even in these more relaxed days, many Christians do not understand just how much humor is embedded in the Bible. Humor is valuable for communicating the Gospel and we have a biblical mandate to use it. This classic book by Flynn remains one of few that cover the subject in depth. We offer it as a free download in PDF, HTML, DOC and MS E-book formats.

Book review: The Shaping of Things to Come, by Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch
The message of Frost and Hirsch is vital for the 21st century church. In essence it is this: we in the West no longer live in Christendom – societies that have a broadly Christian worldview. Instead, we are in the same situation that most missionaries encounter in a non-Christian culture.

Book review: How to Communicate with Those Outside the Christian Community While We Still Can, by Tim Downs
The biblical concept of ‘sowing’ as compared with ‘reaping’ is explained. The book demonstrates how to: * bring up spiritual subjects with busy and distracted people. * use secular movies and books to talk about biblical ideas. * overcome prejudice and stereotypes in our listeners. * keep open doors of communication with even hostile opponents. * move everyone we meet a step closer to the Gospel.

Book review: The New Community Rules - Marketing on the Social Web, by Tamar Weiberg
It’s a little over 300 pages, but reads easily and is a great reference tool for navigating social media sites such as Facebook and Flickr, understanding blogs and why YouTube is so popular. If you are in ministry and are not using social media, or just getting your feet wet, this book will really flesh out the why’s behind everything and how to leverage social media towards your organization’s goals.