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Black Friday reflection: Stewardship in the Advent season
It's Black Friday! Thanksgiving is over, and Christmas is on the horizon—but unfortunately,...

Articles on Christmas
Here are a few Christmas articles and resources for you on this last Friday before Christmas....

Journey to Christmas with an Advent reading guide
Now that December is here, one cultural event commands our attention above all else: Christmas!...

The strange season of Advent
We're well into the Advent season, the period of time leading up to the Christmas celebration....

The Christmas story, as told by the original participants
The Christmas story contains some of the most memorable characters of all time: the virgin Mary,...

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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - A Wonderful Time to Be Born - #5206
On this Christmas Day, I want to invite you to consider an exciting possibility; that you could have a Christmas birthday for the rest of your life. Obviously, you can't change the day you were physically born. You showed up without being consulted about the date, right? But you can make this the day that you're finally born into the family of God.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Delivering Someone Else's Package - #3897
Now it could be that you're facing something that simply cannot happen based on any human ability. It's financially impossible, relationally impossible, medically impossible. Whatever it is, you're asking the same question Mary asked, "How will...?" The answer? "He will." You don't have to be the answer, or create the answer, or scheme the answer. You are like the UPS man--you just deliver it.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Changing Hands - #3898
Now if Mary had insisted on holding her own hand, she would never have gone. God is leading her into a situation where she will suddenly be mysteriously pregnant. And who's going to believe that God is doing it? She has a lot to lose if she takes God's hand and goes where He wants to take her.

Birth of Christ
From Luke 2:1-20

Search the Bible for the keyword "Bethlehem".

Christianity & the Culture - Faith Facts
The Christian faith is evident throughout the history of culture. See how faith relates to government, culture issues, euthanasia, living wills, abortion, and even the celebration of Christmas.

The Impact of Christianity - Faith Facts
This article takes a historical look at the importance of the Christmas event--putting aside matters of theology or faith. See how Jesus' birth impacts the value of human life, education, government, science, the work ethic, art, music, literature and more....

The Birth of Jesus
Angel Gabriel tells Mary she will have God's baby. An angel tells Joseph to marry her. A census takes them to Bethlehem. Jesus is born. Angels appear to shepherds and announce the new birth. Wise men from the East come later and King Herod tries to kill Jesus. Joseph goes to Egypt then Nazareth.

Portrait of Elizabeth
Nancy introduces us to Elizabeth, a remarkable New Testament woman, who modeled contentment and faith in the midst of unusual circumstances. of the Bible

Redeeming the Season: An Interview With Kim Weir and Pam McCune
Does the Christmas season bring thoughts of “peace on earth” or a sense of dread at too much to do and pay for? Nancy is joined by Kim Wier and Pam McCune, to help us consider ways to make Christmas more meaningful and memorable.