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[Culture Week] Billy Graham Center exhibit explores images of the Cross
For two thousand years, the cross has been a universally recognized symbol of the Christian...

Does your church hold a special worship service on Good Friday?
One of the most memorable church services I've ever attended was a Good Friday worship service....

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Ah, Holy Jesus, How Hast Thou Offended
"Ah Holy Jesus" challenges us to realize it was our personal sins that put Jesus on the cross. And it points us to a proper response, reminding us that Jesus' death for our salvation calls for us to adore and worship him. We offer a study of this beautiful hymn and how it came to be written.

When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross" is considered one of the finest hymns ever written. We provide a study of the hymn, background of the hymn writer, sheet music, mp3 and more.

Bible Concordance :: Crucify
To nail or tie a person, usually a criminal, to a cross until that person died. A cross was made of rough beams of wood nailed together in a † shape. Jesus died by this method. (Luke 23:26-56; 1 Corinthians 1:18-25; Galatians 2:20)

Basilea Schlink : Avoiding the Cross: Unwillingness to Suffer
How can these things be compatible: we want to be Christians, disciples of Jesus Christ, who bore the cross for the whole world and chose to do so voluntarily, and yet we reject our own cross? Jesus says, "He who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me" (Matt. 10: 38)...

What is a Biblical Worldview? - Answers in Genesis
The history as recorded in the Bible has been attacked by our increasingly secular culture. As a result, recent generations have been brought up to see the Bible as a book that contains many interesting stories and religious teaching but has no connection to reality. audio sermons: Christ and His cross -chad
So much has been lost, I must start with the name itself. ‘Christian’ What does it mean? A Christian is a disciple of Jesus Christ who is Christ-like. Even this has been perverted in America.

God Crucified -katz
Maybe we need to see it by a light from heaven. Maybe we've seen it, but we've not seen it. Maybe we need to see it by a light from heaven, which is another kind of seeing.