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Does God Still Speak Through Dreams?
These days, most people dismiss dreams as meaningless subconscious activity. But the Bible is...

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Which Way from Here?
Remember Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, when Alice came upon the Cheshire Cat sitting in the crook of a tree? “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the cat. “I don’t much care where—” said Alice. “Then […]

Slamming the Window On a Refreshing Wind - #6816
Be open to that new wind of the Holy Spirit. "Forget the old things" He says, "and open up to the streams that He wants to make in the desert." Is the Spirit trying to blow through your life, your church, your organization with a bold, new breeze? Well, don't slam the window!

Painful Directions - #6812
Here's a good rule of life. If you're going to get the pain, get the point. See, God loves you enough to pull on you even if it hurts when you're headed for something that is going to hurt you. Listen to Him. Listen to His Word. Listen to the gentle Spirit impulses on the inside. Do what He's telling you to do.

The Effects of Erosion - #6569
Those flirtations are eroding you. Maybe you're walking along the sexual cliff saying, "Well, I don't plan to go all the way." Oh yeah, but you're being eroded. There are more lies in your life maybe than there used to be; recurring thoughts of sinful activity. Do you see what's happened? Slowly but surely you're going down.

Going Not Knowing - #6515
Jesus died for you. Is He ever going to do you wrong? God's mystery trips always lead to a destination that is selected with you in mind for your good. So, why not settle back, enjoy the trip, and let Him drive. Trust your Father and don't be afraid of going not knowing.

The Reason You May Be Lost - #6212
Right now, God is pulling up beside you. He's waving you away from the wrong way you're going, waving you back to going where He's going. Keep your eyes on your leader, not your goal. Stay close to Jesus. Be patient and go at His pace, in His time. It's actually the fastest way to get where your life is meant to be.

Running Red Lights - #6144
It's just plain foolish not to stop when the God of the universe says to. If you run the red light, one of two hurtful things is going to happen. Either God will do something more drastic and more painful to stop you, or He'll get out of your way and He'll let you walk right into the very unhappy ending down the road. But He's giving you one more chance to stop before the cliff ahead. Don't choose the pain of running God's red light. Stop - before you get hit.

Running Hard In The Wrong Direction - #2586
Could it be that some earth-stuff has become the central pursuit of your life? That's not what you were created to pursue. And right now Jesus is pursuing you, trying to intercept you as you run toward a goal that doesn't count. He's trying to get you turned around "to seek first His kingdom." He doesn't want the epitaph that goes with your name to be those two hollow words - "Wrong way."

Green Lights and God's Will - #5887
God will give you a green light often by Scripture that seems to have your name on it, strengthened by other verses that come your way at that time. He'll give you this strong compulsion in one direction during the times that you're praying, and He'll give you a sense of peace about that direction. He'll open and close doors circumstantially to confirm what He's been saying to your heart.

How to Never Get Lost - #5752
God guides us in ways we won't miss Him. There's a Part 2 to this equation, though. Our job is to move only and always as He does. Just like those Old Testament believers. No matter how long the cloud stood still, they didn't let their impatience with the status quo make them run ahead of God.