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Discipleship Tools
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The ministries in the Community organize information into 'topics' to help you find what you're looking for. Learn more

Mobile phones and Christian ministry in Africa
Mobiles have become transformative across Africa. It is an amazing story. Any plan for evangelism or discipleship in Africa, which does not integrate mobile phones at some level, is severely handicapped.

Impact of mobile phones on ministry and mission in majority world
Amazing statistic: three-quarters of the world's population has access to a mobile phone, says a new World Bank study. And that doesn't just mean the rich West. Over 70% of sub-Saharan Africans have access to a mobile. There are nearly 5 billion mobile users in the Majority World. The opportunities for digital discipleship and evangelism are vast.

What Christians can learn from consumer best buy research
There's a magazine from my childhood which has hugely influenced my thinking since. Not a comic or storytelling publication. It was WHICH?, the magazine of the pioneering UK consumer group CA. Research is also vital for Christian ministry and evangelism.

Benefits and examples of mobile phone texts - infographic
Texts remain the one electronic messaging system (unlike tweets or emails) that are usually picked up quickly and read. There are many opportunities to integrate text messaging into health care in the Majority World, as this WHO 112-page ebook explains. With, for example 70-75% of Africans having family access to a mobile, there are many opportunities for cross-cultural missions to connect with people, both in terms of health-care education and reminders, as well as discipleship. In some cultures, a surprising number of not-yet-believers are prepared to subscribe to a daily SMS Bible verse and/or motivational thought.

Bibles for mobile phones and interview with Bobby Gruenewald
The significance of free mobile phone Bibles cannot be overestimated for these reasons: - Christians can have access to a 24/7 Bible. - In the Majority World, mobile phones may be comparable in price to printed Bibles, maybe even cheaper. - In closed countries, Bibles can be hard to obtain, and it may not be wise to be seen to own one. - Inquirers can privately download Bibles in a growing range of languages. - Even many simple phones can download Bibles and other discipleship materials.

Sources of digital evangelism news, strategies, ideas
Publications that bring new ideas, strategies and stories.

Convert simple phones to smartphones: free ebooks for simple mobile in Africa
Smartphone use is increasing dramatically in the Majority World. But for many poorer people who own mobiles or aspire to them, a simple phone is all they may afford for some years ahead. So the new Worldreader system which turns these phones into smartphones of a sort, with cloud storage of ebooks, all accessed via the phone signal, is quite remarkable. Free ebooks can be placed in the hands of African school students, for instance.

Principles of effective clear writing for web writers. Plus infographic
Bad grammar and spelling are key factors that rob a website or blog of credibility (see infographic below). So says Professor Fogg, author of Persuasive Technology: Using Computers to Change What We Think and Do in the Stanford Credibility Project where you can read chapters 6-7 of his book. Web writing must also...

Google's augmented reality glasses project - will it fly?
Here's Google's newly-released video presentation of their Project Glass project. It's nothing less than a fully-functional smartphone built into glasses with head-up display on the lenses.

Internet Evangelism Day : every April and all year. News releases and resources
Internet Evangelism Day is set for the last Sunday of April this year, with the entire month of April designated as Digital Outreach Month. It is also a year-round resource guide. This page sets it in context and offers some ready-to-use news items. Very grateful thanks if you are able to make known these resources in any way – print, newsletter, Facebook, Twitter, blogging, etc.