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Your Mirror, Your Friend - #6092
Thank God for the mirror He's given you. You probably should be thanking them, too. Don't run from the hard truth any longer. It will chase you no matter where you go, no matter how hard you run. The truth may be hard to face. It may mean opening up to someone who can really help you with it. It may mean removing a mask you've been hiding behind for a long time, but it's worth all that and more. Because it's the truth, and only the truth, that will finally set you free.

Disappointing Investments - #6074
God's offer is simple, "Come to Me and I will give you what all your searching and all your spending has never delivered, and I will give it to you without cost." The reason none of our earth-investments have been able to satisfy the thirst in our heart is because we've been trying to get from them what we were supposed to get from a personal relationship with our Creator - which we have totally missed.

Lost in Our Language - #6057
The spiritually dying people around us hear us Christians announcing our all-important message, often in words they don't understand. We have life-or-death information that their eternity depends on. We can't afford for them to get lost in our language, or they may be lost forever.

What Makes You Really Valuable - #6053
Because you're Jesus' personal representative in a dark place, in many ways you aren't like everybody else. But you keep loving them unconditionally. You make them feel important, and doing the right thing without condemning them. You keep doing all of that, and you're going to be, whether they admit it or not, one of the most important people in their life. Because people like you are rare and very, very valuable.

The Answer in the Mirror - #6047
I saw a simple, but profound little sentence on a church sign recently. It said, "God, I have a problem. It's me." That kind of prayer is the only place some of us are ever going to find any healing, any happiness, or any peace. Not "I have a problem - it's them," but "it's me." That admission can save a marriage, a relationship with a child, the unity of a church or a ministry, or a relationship that's too valuable to lose.

The Most Important Question About the Road You're On - #6043
The only way to get to heaven is to be totally depending on Jesus Christ to get you there. It means abandoning all other hopes of getting to God and to heaven and fully trusting the one way God provided - Jesus, His one and only Son. If you've never reached out to Him and given yourself to Him, you're in grave spiritual danger, no matter how sincere you may be in whatever else you're depending on.

Punching Holes in the Darkness - #6023
The lost folks around you probably won't be all that impressed with your don'ts or all the religious meetings you go to. They need to see meaningful differences in you because Christ is in you.

Night Lights That Know When to Shine - #5999
It's time for that phone call, that email, that letter, a listening ear, a helping hand, that visit. It's time for someone to bring the healing love of Jesus into their darkness. Because when it's dark, when the lights have gone out, you need a night light. It's time for you to shine.

Grabbing Opportunities - #5969
Life is full of life-saving opportunities for those with eyes to see them; for those who understand that we're supposed to be looking for them, wherever we are. When one of our family was in the hospital lately, the reason seemed clear. This was a patient who left a trail of Jesus all through that hospital. There just to get well? No. They were also there positioned by God to help spiritually rescue some of the people there.

The Power of the Storm - #3663
The storm that seems to be costing you so much right now - it may very well be God's means of bringing out something more powerful than you've ever experienced before. And here's the good news, long after the storm is gone, you are going to be singing one incredibly powerful song!