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Today's devotional: following God's plan for your life
Ever wished that somebody would show you, not just tell you, what the purpose of your life is?...

Today's devotional: trusting God in 2010
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Stiff-necked people - a Christian perspective
"Stiff-necked" is an adjective used to describe the Israelites during their journey from Egypt to Canaan. It refers to their stubborn persistence in disobeying God and turning their backs on His proven love for them.

Dwarfing The Bully - #2584
The challenge before Moses was totally intimidating - he felt totally inadequate. Like me facing Boomer. Like you facing the challenge in front of you right now. It may be one of those times when you feel like this is a total mismatch between what you have and what it's going to take. Listen to the five-word answer from God that totally reverses the power equation - "And God said, 'I will be with you." End of discussion.

Burning bush - a Christian perspective
When God first called Moses to lead Israel out of Egypt, he appeared as a burning bush that, despite being aflame, did not burn up.

Let my people go - a Christian perspective
Moses famously confronted the Pharaoh of Egypt with a simple demand: let my people go! Pharaoh refused to release the enslaved Israelites, and paid the price through a series of plagues.

Yesterday's Connections - #3261
Maybe you need to get on your knees today and say, "Lord, I need a fresh touch, some new victories, a fresh cleansing of the dirt I've allowed to accumulate, a renewing of my attitude, a new Holy Spirit takeover." If you've been relying on yesterday's connections, a power failure is inevitable. Each new day, go for a fresh touch from God - today's connection for today's needs.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Your Secret Weapon - #8269 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
Steve was one of the world’s great pool players. He was a winner on the outside. Inside, he knew something big was missing. It turned out it was Jesus. When he opened his life to the God who made Him, he realized that a lot of the junk that went with his life on the pool circuit didn’t go with following Jesus. He laid it all down. He went for years of Christian education. And as He told me, to his surprise, God then told him to pick up that pool cue again and use it to point people to Jesus…which he’s been doing big time. And folks who love the game he loves are getting introduced to the Savior he loves.

Fresh Each Day - #5857
You can't let your personal Jesus-time be something you do occasionally or when you feel like it or when you can fit Him in to your busy schedule. Make your daily time with Jesus Christ non-negotiable. Everything else is going to have to revolve around your time with Him instead of what usually happens, your time with Him having to revolve around everything else.

Forty years in the Bible - a Christian perspective
After their escape from slavery in Egypt, the Israelites wandered through the desert for 40 years before they finally reached Canaan, the "Promised Land."

Hardened heart in the Bible - a Christian perspective
Moses asked Pharaoh repeatedly to let the Israelite people go free, but Pharaoh continually refused. The Biblical account describes Pharaoh as "hardening his heart" against Moses' request.

Egypt - a Christian perspective
One of the most defining events of the Old Testament is the Israelites' rescue from slavery in Egypt. This is the beginning of that story; in this passage, we learn of the Israelites' oppression and slavery in the foreign land of Egypt.