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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Greatest Gift You Can Give - #5357
Let people know you're fighting for them in the Throne Room of God. Find out what they need you to be praying for. You'll be their Moses, praying down victory for their battle.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Battlefield Blindness - #5389
Take a step back. Walk on ahead of the battle for a little while and God will show you some answers that you would never see when you're in the middle of the battle.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Living Up To Your Name - #3936
You're not an island. You're being watched - especially if you claim to be a Christian. And someone is sizing up Jesus based on what they see in you. They can't see Him - they can see you. What a horrible thought - that you or I might be a reason for someone we care about to miss Jesus - and to miss heaven forever.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Waiting for the Sunrise - #5404
You know, we can learn an awful lot about the ways of God in our lives by just watching how He starts each new day. That's especially important if it's been dark in your life for a while. It's been a long night; you've been waiting a long time for light to break through. But remember how God operates - a long wait, maybe a few signs of a little brightening, and then a sudden, dramatic breakthrough.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Warrior Who Wins it - #5428
Moses was like that twelfth man in football. He never set foot on the battlefield, but what he was doing was felt by every person in the battle. For me, this is the most revealing passage in all the Bible as to actually praying for someone and praying against what the enemy is trying to do in their lives. Literally, when we are faithfully interceding for someone, they win; when we stop praying, they stop winning.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Divine Delays - #5448
So learn to relax when God closes the road or suddenly slows you down. It's all about His love for you, a love that knows what's best for you, a love that knows what's going to happen if you keep going the same direction at the same speed.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Sharks You Never Saw - #5453
Eight verses in this psalm. Five times, "the Lord watches over you." The Father looking out for you knows everything, He is everywhere, and He can do anything. And there's never a moment when He is not looking out for you. So what was that you were afraid again?

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Fresh Daily - #5454
Your time with God, nourishing your soul with His Word, is literally the difference between your being "consumed" or being a conqueror.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Feather Swords - #5457
We tend to trust in finances, in management, in plans, in rich or powerful people, in our communication or persuasion, just like the rest of this godless world does. But God wants us to depend on Him and Him alone.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Following The People or Leading the People - #5484
That's the kind of leadership I hope you're prepared to give. Walk ahead of the people you're leading - you can't hear the Lord as long as you're listening to the crowd. You have to extricate yourself from the fray and get some perspective. Then cry out to God, "What am I to do with these people?" And listen for where He is headed and then do what He says. Your job is to let God show you what He is up to, and then to join Him in what He's doing by obeying Him, and then leading the people in that direction even if another way seems right to them.