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Daily Devotional: Test of Faithfulness
Today's devotional centers on Romans 8:28 and comes from Oswald Chambers' beloved My Utmost for...

Today's devotional: trusting God in 2010
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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - How Good People Miss Heaven - #5067
Surveys tell us that a large majority of Americans expect to go to heaven when they die. The Bible, which is really God's roadmap to heaven, indicates that a lot us may be facing the most tragic surprise imaginable after we take our last breath. A lot of people who think they have what it takes to get into heaven are going to be turned away. Unless they take what God has provided for sin-stained people like you and me to get into His sin-free heaven.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - When Prayer Gets Loose - #5119
See, we tend to have a prayer compartment in our life and we pray in the morning or maybe in the evening. We have prayer meetings, but I think God wants us to take prayer out of that compartment and learn prayer as a lifestyle, not just as an occasional binge.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - You Get it Ready - #5169
You prepare for a supernatural result that God seems to be asking you to trust Him for; you prepare for the miracle and then God produces the miracle. He does that often enough in Scripture to tell us that this is often His modus operandi for a miracle.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Racing to Get There, Missing the View - #5179
We're so focused on getting to our goal that we miss the good things along the way to our goal. But I'm beginning to think that the process is more important to God than the result. He could answer your prayers and deliver you to your destination immediately if He wanted to. But God has a process, a journey; and He wants to take us through that first and show us things that we've never seen before.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - A Father You Can Count On - #5190
Every dad dies someday - except one. He's the God who made you - the God who has asked us to call Him our "Heavenly Father." He's not the father you had on earth; He's the Father we've all wished we had and so much more. He's the Father your heart has been yearning for your whole life.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Inflated Obstacles - #4020
You may be facing one of life's big hills right now - financially, medically, in your family, or your ministry, your work. And right now you've stopped pedaling, you're looking at how big that hill is ... and the longer you look, the bigger it's getting. And the weaker and more paralyzed you're feeling.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - A Thousand Invisible Mornings - #4056
I've never understood people who get involved in a sport or an activity or in anything and settle for mediocre. If you're going to get into it, aim to be all you can be. Now if that's true in sports, it's really true when it comes to serving the King of Kings, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Hand That Won't Let Go - #5220
Has there ever been a time when you reached out to Jesus and grabbed Him as your only hope of being rescued from your sin? You could have been religious your whole life and yet never grabbed His hand for yourself. He's reaching for you today. I don't know how much longer you'll have to take His hand. I only know you have the chance today.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Tapestry of Your Life - #5222
When I watched that Navajo woman weaving something beautiful from those seemingly random threads, I was looking at a picture of the ways of God, because He's the original Artist, and He only does masterpieces. He is, in a sense, the Master Weaver on the loom of your life. You can't see what He's making from the threads in front of you, but He can. And it's something beautiful - something valuable.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - When You Can't See the Way to Go - #5232
The "don't know" times are God's instrument to drive you deeper into Him, to surrender all self-reliance for a desperate dependency on Him. You may not know which way to go, but you don't have to stand there fearful, paralyzed or marching in circles. Your Lord, your Shepherd is placing His arm inside yours to lead you where you could never go without Him.