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Daily Devotional: Test of Faithfulness
Today's devotional centers on Romans 8:28 and comes from Oswald Chambers' beloved My Utmost for...

Today's devotional: trusting God in 2010
Today's devotional has an appropriate New Year theme, and asks: do you trust God to be faithful...

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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Simple Secret Of An All-Star - #3912
Interestingly enough, that's exactly what makes someone a star in God's book - faithfully showing up for work every day. For whatever work God has given you to do - at home, at your workplace, at school, in your ministry.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - A Blueprint For The Overwhelming - #3921
There is a powerful blueprint here for how to handle what looks like it's going to overwhelm you. You do what I did with a building project that was way beyond anything I could do - you put it in the hands of someone who does know what to do with it. You "spread it out before the Lord."

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Deep Holes, Beautiful Discoveries - #3926
I'll bet a lot of folks weren't very happy about that big hole in the ground opening up. It probably was a pain for some people -- potentially dangerous for others. But the "problem" of that sinkhole turned out to be the access route to beauty like those folks had never seen before. That has happened to a lot of us - when a big hole has opened up in our life. When things collapsed. And it may be that God is wanting you to look beyond that big hole - to see the undiscovered beauty that's underneath it.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Power Of Your Two-Way Trust - #3947
If you belong to Jesus Christ, you have been called to a similar arrangement - doing things you would never otherwise be able to do because of a powerful two-way trust - you trusting God and God trusting you. In a very real way, everything that matters in your life is riding on your Lord. The size and sanity of your life depends on how much you're willing to trust God for - to hold you up when nothing else can, to steer you right when the way is confusing, to provide for you when you can't see where it will come from, and to equip you to do what you feel very inadequate to do. It's supposed to be all about Him,- not all about you.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Fix It Before the Final - #3962
It's definitely a good idea to stand back, see what's wrong, and then fix it before it goes to the final print. Especially if the audience for the final print is God Himself; as He looks at how you've been living and passes judgment on it. In a sense, He has given us some ways to look at how we're doing, to see what you're doing wrong - and to fix it before it goes to the final print.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Survivors' Faith - #3988
"Every year you grow, you will find me bigger." That is a beautiful description of a Jesus-follower's enlarging relationship with Jesus Christ - and our enlarging view of how big our Lord really is. And the experiences that grow us the most inevitably are the experiences that hurt the most.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - When God's Moving Too Slow - #5422
There's something you've been waiting for God to do; to give you that person, a job, some financial relief, some love, some work for Him. And it's not happening. You're going to help God a little bit. You're going to figure out your own way to meet the need, to get it done now. You're tempted to pass Him because He's moving too slowly. Don't. You'll ruin it by trying to rush it. You'll get the bill for your impatience instead of the will of God.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Divine Delays - #5448
So learn to relax when God closes the road or suddenly slows you down. It's all about His love for you, a love that knows what's best for you, a love that knows what's going to happen if you keep going the same direction at the same speed.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Feather Swords - #5457
We tend to trust in finances, in management, in plans, in rich or powerful people, in our communication or persuasion, just like the rest of this godless world does. But God wants us to depend on Him and Him alone.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Unpredictable Weather, the Unmoving Lighthouse - #5480
We need, in essence, a lighthouse - something we can totally depend on when everything else is changing. Something, actually someone who is - as the photographer said about those lighthouses - "always there." If you've already lost some of the cards that mattered most to you in your life, then you know how much we need something that's unloseable, something unmoving that will stand the unpredictable weather because the weather in our world, even in our lives, is becoming more and more unpredictable.