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Daily Devotional: Test of Faithfulness
Today's devotional centers on Romans 8:28 and comes from Oswald Chambers' beloved My Utmost for...

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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Prepared for Something Small - #5233
We go to Bible studies, church services, and youth groups. We argue theology, prophecy, and spiritual gifts. We get involved in a merry-go-round of Christian activities, but we don't expect the supernatural! And we're mired, therefore, in spiritual mediocrity.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Waiting for the Best - #5238
It could be that right now God has asked you to spend some time in His waiting room - and it feels like the line's not moving - nothing is happening. But God's best almost always comes after a wait - like the birth of a baby. Right now God is preparing you for your answer and your answer for you and you can't rush it. He's building faith in you that you'd never have if you got an instant answer.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - How God Makes You a Masterpiece - #5249
We're all that shapeless lump of clay until we put ourselves in the hands of the Master Potter. Only the One who gave you your life can shape your life into what it was created to be.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - What to Ask a King For - #5302
Our praying is often just so predictable, so routine, and that is an insult to the God who's invited us to come to Him for "no small gifts." When's the last time you really believed God for some things that are so big that only God could do them?

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Instruments Don't Lie - #3827
There's the secret of a happy landing in stormy conditions. Keep your eyes on the instruments - just keep on believing what the Word of God is telling you. In fact, this says that your mouth should be full of God's words, your mind should be full of God's words, and your life should be full of God's words.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - It Stings - But it Disinfects - #5304
In some ways, the closer the person is to us, the harder it is for us to receive critical feedback from them. Like from our spouse, for example. But those are the comments we should give the greatest weight to, because this is someone who really loves us and someone who knows us well.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Tools Without Power - #3865
And God says all our impressive tools are as useless without His power as those workmen's tools were without electrical power. God has told us how to access His power - with the only "p" that has any real power - prayer. The tool we often think of last - the tool we spend the least time on. Our actions, our use of time tell us that, no matter what our theology says, it's really our human weapons we're depending on. That's why we spend a lot more time in planning meetings than prayer meetings.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Payoff for the Pain - #3867
But right now you're in practice, and you don't feel very victorious. It hurts. You're under a lot of pressure; you're trying to do what's right but it doesn't seem to be working. And maybe God has trusted you with the assignment to show His joy and His love in the midst of physical suffering. Or perhaps you're paying a price for the stand you're taking. It's tempting to compromise, to back off, maybe to give in to despair, or even to quit.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Changing Hands - #3898
Now if Mary had insisted on holding her own hand, she would never have gone. God is leading her into a situation where she will suddenly be mysteriously pregnant. And who's going to believe that God is doing it? She has a lot to lose if she takes God's hand and goes where He wants to take her.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Shipping Out, Orders Unknown - #3911
Now it could be that your Lord is pushing you in a direction that has no map, lots of questions, and not many specifics. You only know that there is this Holy Spirit compulsion to take that step. It may very well be that your Lord is asking you to board that ship -- orders unknown. All you know is that He wants you on that ship.