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Couldn’t God Have Used Evolution? - Answers in Genesis
Many Christians today claim that millions of years of earth history fit with the Bible and that God could have used evolutionary processes to create. This idea is not a recent invention. For over 200 years, many theologians have attempted such harmonizations.

Sodom and Gomorra Destroyed
The story of Sodom and Gomorrah as found in the Bible, Genesis 19:1-29.

What is a Biblical Worldview? - Answers in Genesis
The history as recorded in the Bible has been attacked by our increasingly secular culture. As a result, recent generations have been brought up to see the Bible as a book that contains many interesting stories and religious teaching but has no connection to reality.

Where did the idea of “millions of years” come from? - Answers in Genesis
Today, most people in the world, including most people in the church, take for granted that the earth and universe are millions and millions (even billions) of years old. Our public schools, from kindergarten on up, teach these vast ages, and one is scoffed at if he questions them.

Does the Bible say anything about astronomy? - Answers in Genesis
The Bible is often attacked as a book that is scientifically out of date. However, the Bible has been shown to be correct over and over again in matters of history and science.

Did humans really evolve from ape-like creatures? - Answers in Genesis
They claim that anthropologists have found links in the human evolutionary chain and that scientists have “proven” evolution happens through DNA and other studies. But what is the real evidence for human evolution?

Are mutations part of the “engine” of evolution? - Answers in Genesis
In the evolutionary model, mutations are hailed as a dominant mechanism for pond-scum-to-people evolution and provide “proof” that the Bible’s history about creation is wrong.

Can natural processes explain the origin of life? - Answers in Genesis
When considering how life began, there are only two options. Either life was created by an intelligent source (God) or it began by natural processes. The common perception presented in many textbooks and in the media is that life arose from non-life in a pool of chemicals about 3.8 billion years ago

The “evolutionizing” of a culture - Answers in Genesis
We are engaged in a war of worldviews. Secular humanism (with its evolutionary foundation) is fighting tooth-and-nail against biblical Christianity (and the idea that God is the Creator) for the hearts and minds of our children. Over the past generations, we’ve seen the battle intensifiy.

Did Lucy walk upright?
For over 20 years, Lucy or Australopithecus afarensis has been considered one of our first ‘ancestors’, mainly because it supposedly walked upright.